My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 6

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Ashley's P.O.V.

After Jeremy left, I went into the back and began to open up all the boxes. I decided to open up five boxes and then after I did that, I began to take the merchandise out of them and onto the shelves. I was only on the fifth box before my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was Max calling. I answered it and he says, "You at your apartment yet?" I tell him no and he says, "Where are you?" I tell him exactly where I'm at and he says, "That's should have help; you shouldn't be doing it alone." I agreed to what he was saying and then he says, "Would you like me to wait for you at the apartment?" I tell him no and he says, "Alright, well at least text me when you get to your car so I know you're alright." I tell him that I will and we hang up. 

After I put my phone back in my pocket, I began pulling out the merchandise from the fifth box and onto the shelves. I sighed out aloud realizing that this is going to take forever, I decide to open up all the boxes so it would be a bit easier. After I opened up all the boxes, I went to my sixth box; I pulled out my phone because I wanted to see what time it was. The time said eleven o'clock...I wonder what time it was going to be when I got done. I put my phone back in my pocket and I grabbed another box and began pulling things out. I finally was one away from being at the tenth box; I hoped that I could get done quickly so I can head to my apartment and sleep.

I grabbed the tenth box and began pulling everything out and putting it on the shelves. I tossed the tenth box and pulled the next box towards me. Just as I was about to pull out more merchandise, my phone goes off again. I pull it out thinking it was Max again but then I saw it was my dad. I answered it and he says, "Why are they making you unpack the shipment by yourself?" I told him I didn't know why and he says, "I can't believe it." I agreed with him and he says, "You coming tomorrow?" I thought back at work to see if Jeremy had told me that I needed to come in but he didn't so I say, "Yeah, I'm not needed at work so I'll come and see you." We talked for a bit more and then we hung up...after I put my phone away I began to work quickly so I could go home. Soon I was finished so I clocked out and ran out the mall. I arrived at my car and just as I was about to put the key in, I was grabbed and I heard a voice whisper in my ear, "Don't move." 

Luke's P.O.V.

All of the guys wanted to go to the mall to buy new clothes and other shit. This was fine by me because I wasn't going but they wanted me to go. Cody kept telling me to come and because I didn't want to hear him whine anymore, I decided to come. The only reason I was willing to go was because I felt like something good would happen if I came. Ryan, the bassist, drove the tour bus to the mall...when we arrived at the mall we all decided that our first stop would be at Hot Topic. We walked into the mall and we began our way into the store. I saw a beautiful girl standing behind the register...I was so glad that Cody had talked me into coming along. I walked over and cleared my throat so I could see into her eyes. 

When she looked up into my eyes, I knew she was mate. Her mouth dropped open and I knew she recognized me. I began laughing and I hear her say, "I can't believe that my favorite band is here." Oh, so were her favorite? I wonder if she likes me more than the rest of the guys. I held out my hand, wanting to feel the tingly sensation signaling that she's mine. I was happy that she had taken my hand but I was angry when she pulled her hand away. I growled a little, not wanting her to be frightened. I wanted her to be with me now, I didn't want to wait any longer but then I hear Cody say my name. I knew I would have to wait so I followed Cody. Even though I had to walk away from her I still continued to look at her but I was really pissed when we had to leave. When we got to the tour bus, I told Cody that we are not leaving until my mate is on this bus. We drove around for a bit but we came back to the mall's parking lot at eleven o'clock. Then it became eleven thirty and I knew that she was still inside. 

The time went by very slow and soon enough it was twelve. I saw mate walking out of the mall. I got off the tour bus and then I saw her in front of a car. I saw a guy come out of nowhere and he grabbed her. I growled loudly and then I ran up to the guy and I shoved him away from my mate. I punched him in the face and after the guy ran off, I looked at my mate...who was on the ground. I picked her up and carried her to the tour bus. When I got in the bus, I refused to talk to anyone until she woke up. 

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