My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 11

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Luke's P.O.V.

When I told Ashley that I liked her, I really wanted to say that I loved her but we've barely known each other and I don't want things to become awkward. Then a few minutes later, Ashley tells me that she likes me as well...I wish she instead said that she loves me but I was more than happy to know that she likes me. I felt the bed shift and I knew that Ashley had laid back down; I turned my head to look down at her. When her eyes met mine I whisper, "Your beautiful." I laugh at what she says and then I lean down so our faces are almost touching and then I say, "You really are beautiful." I saw Ashley lifting her head up to kiss me but I decided to kiss her before she does. I lower my head just a bit more and our lips meet. 

I break the kiss and pull my head away wanting to see her reaction. The look on her face told me everything...she wanted more. I chuckle at the look on her face and then I lean down to give her what she wants. Before I even have a chance to kiss her, her arms snaked around my neck and she kisses me on the cheek. I whimper a little and she whispers in my ear, "Done teasing me?" I look into her eyes and say, "I am, may I kiss you more?" She shakes her head no...I was pissed and upset at the same time but then Ashley nods her head. I gasp and say, "I can?" She nods her head again and says, "Yes you can, now kiss me." I grin at her before I slam my lips against hers.

We were in the middle of kissing when somebody knocks on the door again. I pull away from Ashley's lips and growl out, "What the fuck do you want now?!" I don't hear anything...I look down at Ashley. I looked into her eyes...I could see the fear in them. Fuck...I scared her; I kiss her lips and say softly, "I'm sorry babe." I kiss her once more before I get off the bed to find out who was knocking on the door. I opened the door to face...nobody. Who the hell was knocking on the door? I found Ryan sitting on the couch so I say to him, "Who knocked on my door?" Ryan tells me he did so I say, "For what?" He tells me that were at a gas station and that I should get some things for Ashley so I say, "Alright." I head back in my room and my beautiful mate and I say to her, "Were at a gas station, want anything?" She nods her head so I say, "What do you want?" She tells me what she wants so I say, "I'll be back then." 

Ashley's P.O.V.

After Luke left to get me what I had asked, I began to get tired and I felt like I couldn't keep my eyes opened anymore so I closed them. I woke up...maybe an hour or two later to somebody kissing me on the forehead multiple times. Once my eyes were fully opened, I see Luke smiling at me. I smile back and he says, "You've been asleep for fifteen minutes." I was shocked, I figured I was asleep a lot longer than that so I say, "Why did you wake me up?" I hear him chuckle and he says, "Because I wanted to see your beautiful eyes looking up at me." I laugh a little and say, "Cute...but seriously why?" Luke kisses my lips and says, "I'm serious...I love looking at your eyes." I smile and he says, "Did you want to go back to sleep?" I nod a little already feeling like I want to go back asleep and he says, "Okay, I'll let you you want me to stay with you?"

I nod my head and then I watch as Luke got in the bed and lay beside me. Before I closed my eyes, I moved my head onto Luke's chest and then I closed my eyes. Just before I fell asleep I swear I heard Luke say, "I love you." Before I had time to ask what Luke had said; my eyes closed shut. I woke up the next day, my head laying on a pillow instead of on Luke's chest. I sat up and pushed the blanket off of me and then I got off the bed. I walked towards the door and opened it. When the door opened I saw Dylan on the couch so I say, "Where's Luke?" He looks at me and says, "Out with Ryan." I nod my head and say, "Did Luke say when he would be back?" Dylan shakes his head no and says, "No he didn't." I knew Dylan didn't really want to talk to me so I say, "If there's anything you want to talk about...maybe I can help?" Dylan doesn't say anything so I head back to Luke's room when I hear Dylan say, "Wait!"

I turn around to see Dylan standing two feet away from me and he says, "Promise this is just between you and I?" I nod my head and say, "I promise." Dylan gives me a smile and says, "Can we talk in Luke's room?" I nod again and walk to Luke's room and then sit down on the bed. Once when Dylan sits down he says, "You promise you won't tell anybody else?" I look into his eyes and say, "I promise you that this conversation stays between us." Dylan sighs and says, "Luke told me that he..." Just as he was about to finish his sentence, I hear a door being opened. 

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