My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 8

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe this...after the promise I made to Luke, everybody still thought I was going to run off. Well, of course they would think that because a promise meant nothing to them. It was the proof that they wanted...that I wouldn't run off. I sigh sadly and then I hear Luke say, "Dylan, guys...knock it off." Luke walked over to me, sits beside me and he puts an arm around me and he says to me, "Just ignore those guys." I nod my head and decided to change the subject by saying to Luke, "Did you order my pizza?" He nods his head and then it became silent after that. I think everyone was waiting to see what I would do or say...they were probably getting ready to grab me if I tried to get away. 

I laid my head on Luke's shoulder and then somebody knocks on the door of the tour bus so Dylan got up and checked to see who it was. I see that Dylan grabs something and then he shuts the door and I see he has the pizza. He hands it to me and I say, "You guys want any?" They all shake their heads no so I say, "Is there any pop I can have?" Dylan walks to the fridge and says, "What do you want?" I tell him that if there's any Pepsi, I'll take it and then he comes over with a can. He hands me the can so I say, "Thanks...I'm going to eat somewhere else, I can't eat around others." After I say that I stand up and go into Luke's room. I sit on the floor and began eating...I only was able to eat two pieces so I got up, opened the door and walked to the fridge after I shut the door, I turned around to face Luke. I swallow hard and he says, "What do you think you're doing?" I tell him what I was doing and he says, "Now get back into my room." I walk back into his room not knowing that Luke was following me until I was in his room. 

When I got back into his room, I was about to shut the door when he walked in and he says, "Sit your ass down." I sat down on the bed muttering under my breath, "Asshole." Luke slams the door shut making me flinch and he says, "What the fuck did you just call me?" I smirk and say, "Don't like it do you? I called you an asshole." Luke pulled me off the bed and he yells out, "If you ever call me an asshole again I'll make you regret it!" I smirk again and say, "Asshole." I have no idea why I said it again, possibly because I didn't think Luke was going to hurt me. 

Luke's P.O.V.

I would never hurt Ashley...she's my mate but she's really testing my patience. When Ashley called me an asshole again, I slammed my mouth on hers...kissing her hard. She tried to pull away but I wrapped my arms around her, keeping her in place. Two minutes later, I pulled away and looked at her to see what her reaction would be. Her eyes were closed...I leaned my head towards hers and I kissed her nose. Her eyes opened so I looked into them for any signs that she wanted me to kiss her more but I didn't see any so I let go of her. I pushed her gently on the bed and I say, "Stay here." She doesn't say anything so I leave the room to talk to Dylan. I didn't see Dylan or the other guys for that matter so I went back into my room. 

Ashley was lying on the bed so I walked over to her and I say, "Sit up." She sits up and then I sat down and say, "Now you can lie back down." She lays her head on my lap and I began stroking her hair. I look down at her and say, "Are you okay with me touching your hair?" She nods so I continue what I'm doing and then I hear a knock on the door. Ashley sits up and then I get off the bed and open the door. It was Dylan so I say, "What do you want?" He tells me to follow him so I look at Ashley and she says, "Stay...I know." I smile a little and follow Dylan. He takes me outside and I see for the first time that he has a paper in his hands. He hands it to me and I see that it's of Ashley and underneath her photo is an award. I looked up at Dylan and say, "Listen, I'll be asking Ashley to write down her size of clothing and I need you to watch her." 

I can tell that Dylan wasn't too happy about that but then he says, "Fine, I'll watch your mate." I smile and say, "Thanks." We go back inside and I head into my room to see Ashley sitting up. I hand her a notebook and a pen and say, "Write down everything you want me to buy." I leave the room then, not really wanting to know what kind of shit she wrote. I was planning on coming back in an hour or two to find out if she was done with it but a voice says, "I'm done with the list." I was fucking shocked as hell...I was sure that it would take forever so I say, "Can I see it?" The paper was in front of my face so I grab it and look it over...not too many embarrassing things for me to grab. 

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