My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 19

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Ashley's P.O.V.

When we got home, Max and I went inside. I see dad sitting on the couch and he says, "Did you two have a fun time?" We both nod our heads and I say, "I'm going to be working tomorrow." Dad looks shocked but then he says, "That was fast...anyways, Max can you get Ash's car out of the garage?" I was so excited to be driving my own car that I didn't realize that Max had left. I went upstairs to my room; I didn't close the door because I knew Max would probably want to hang out. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and then I see Max...he walks in my room and hands me something. I look down and see that it's my keys; I place them on my bed and say, "Are we hanging out?"

Max shakes his head and says, "I'm too tired and you probably should go to bed." I stand up and after we hug, Max leaves so I close my door and get my pajamas on quickly. After I got them on I take my clothes into the basket and then I pulled out the covers, turned off the light and went to bed. I wake up the next day, showered and dressed and then I went downstairs for breakfast. After I ate, I walked out of the house and towards my car. I got in and drove off heading to the mall. I got out and made my way to Hot Topic. When I arrived in the store, I saw a new guy behind the counter. I frown a little...who the fuck is this? I made my way to the counter to confront the guy when I see Jeremy standing by the guy. Jeremy looks up at me and says, "You're here early but that's fine. I need you to meet somebody." I walk towards the counter, the guy looks up at me and Jeremy says, "Ash this is Drake; Drake this is Ashley." 

I shake Drake's hand and he says, "So what do I call you?" I tell him to call me Ash and he says, "Alright Ash." I look at Jeremy and he says, "I need you to train him." I nod my head and then I head to the back to clock in. After I clocked in, I went to the front and I saw that Jeremy was gone. I frown and I hear a voice say, "He left." I went to the counter and Drake says, "Does it stay dead like this for a long time?" I nod my head and say, "Yeah usually." I sit on a stool and say, "I could use a drink." I mostly said that to myself but then Drake says, "You want something?" I look up at him and say, "If you don't mind...can you get me a Pepsi?" Drake comes back three minutes later with my pop and his phone in his hand. I take the pop and say, "'re not supposed to be on your phone."

Drake tells me that he had to text somebody quickly and then he puts his phone away. I open up my pop and drink a bit of it and then I see some people come in. I put the cap back on and a few of them bought stuff so I let Drake help them out. After he helped them out, it became dead again and Drake says, "So basically it gets busy and then it gets dead." I nod my head and say, "Yeah basically." I open my pop, take a drink and sit back down. I began to wonder what Luke was doing...I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss him. Jeremy came back two hours later and he says to Drake, "How you doing on your first day so far?" 

Drake tells him that it's a bit confusing but then he also tells him that I'm helping him out. Jeremy looks at me and says, "Is he listening and following the rules?" Should I tell him that Drake had his phone out? I decided not to tell him because it seemed like he understood what he did was wrong so I say, "He is." Jeremy nods his head and heads to the back. Once when he was gone, Drake says, "How come you didn't say anything about me having my phone out?" I was hoping that he wouldn't say anything about that, but I guessed wrong so I say, "Because I'm sure you wouldn't do it again." Drake smiles and then four hours later, Jeremy comes out of the back and says, "You two can go home...Ashley can you come tomorrow?" 

I knew that Jeremy was probably going to ask me that, not that I minded though so I say, "Sure." Drake and I helped put things away and then we went to the back to clock out. I began to walk out of the store when I hear Drake say, "Wait Ash." I stop, wait for him to catch up and began to walk off again when Drake says, "Would you like to hang out somewhere?" I sigh a little and say, "Look Drake...we only work together and besides, I'm seeing somebody." Drake fell silent so I began to walk off again when I hear Drake say, "That's fine I guess...this guy must mean a lot to you then." I smiled a little, I arrived at my car and Drake was still following me so I say, "This is my car." He walks off then so I get in and drive off. I got home and when I walked in, I see Alex sitting on the couch. I smile at him when he looks up at me so I say, "Where's dad and Max?" Alex shrugs his shoulders and says, "Nobody told me anything." I went up to my room, emptied out my pockets, took off my shoes, and then I lay down. I hear the front door being closed so I sat up and heard my dad calling my name. 

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