My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 20

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I was laying on my bed, after an exhausting day at work when I heard my dad call out my name. He must've just gotten home just after I did so I get off the bed feet were sore. I slowly made my way downstairs, not wanting to tumble down the stairs. I made it fully downstairs without tripping and dad says, "How was your first day back?" I tell him that my feet are sore and he says, "I'll carry you back up...I have a surprise for you." After he said that, my two best friends Sarah and Faith came out of the kitchen. They smiled at me and dad says, "Let's get you upstairs." Dad came towards me and so did my friends. He picks me up and we head upstairs...we went into my room and my dad places me on my bed.

Then he walks out the door and my two friends join me on the bed. They began, at the same time, asking me questions so I say, "One at a time please." Faith decided to go first and she says, "What happened?" I couldn't tell them what really happened because it could have consequences so I say, "On that day that I had to work late...after I got to my car, I got grabbed from behind. I never saw the guy." Sarah then got her turn and she says, "Why are you still working then? It might happen again." I tell her that it won't happen again because Jeremy is letting me off early. I couldn't let them know that if Luke saw that I was missing, he would find me very easily because he drank some of my blood. But then why am I still here? Shouldn't he have gotten me back already; or is he letting me stay here for a while before he comes to get me again?

I hope he's letting me stay here for a while...I mean sure, I miss him but I missed my family too. Two hours later, they had to leave but I told them to come back again. I hugged both of them before they left...I lie down on my bed and fell asleep. Dreaming of Luke. Then dream was a very happy was of Luke getting me back and him telling me that he loves me. I woke up to somebody shaking me; once when my eyesight cleared up, I see Max and he says, "Who's Luke?" Oh shit, I talked in my sleep so I say, "The lead singer of Midnight Nightmare." Max shakes his head and says, "Why can't you dream of a different guy?" To be honest, I've been dreaming of Luke for a while so I say, "Because he's the hottest guy in the band." Well, I think all the guys are hot but Luke was the only one I couldn't keep my eyes off of...when I saw him in magazines. 

Just as Max was about to speak, we hear our dad says, "Max, help your sister downstairs, time to eat." I got off the bed and Max picks me up and slowly carries me downstairs. We arrived in the kitchen and Alex pulls out a chair and Max gently places me on it. Dad hands out plates with food on it and I begin to eat. Max and Alex were the first two to finish so Alex was able to leave but Max stayed behind so he could carry me upstairs. I finished eating, Max took my plate, placed it in the sink and then comes towards me and picks me up off the chair. We head upstairs to my room and after Max places me on my bed I say, "I'm sorry." 

He looks at me with confusion so I say, "I'm sure you have better things to do then carry me." He smiles a little and says, "Its fine." He turns around then and makes his way out and before he closes the door he says, "Goodnight Ash, see you tomorrow." I stood up after he left and slowly made my way to my dresser to change into my pajamas. I put them on and decided to leave my clothes where they were at and then I got in bed and underneath the covers. I woke up the next day to my phone going off so I grabbed it off of my night stand and saw that Jeremy was calling. I answered and he says, "Ash listen...your dad called." What the fuck? I was about to speak but then he says, "You don't have to come to work today if you can hardly move." I was wanting to come in but I knew dad wouldn't let me so I say, "I'm sorry." 

He tells me its fine and then he says, "Hope you can come tomorrow." I tell him I should be able to and then we hang up. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the door. I opened it and I hear my dad talking to Max so I head downstairs. Max stops talking and then my dad looks up at me and I say, "When were you going to tell me that you called Jeremy?" He looks a little shocked but then he says, "When you got up." I nod my head and say, "Why did you pull me out of work?" Dad was about to answer when Max says, "Because your legs are sore and we didn't want you to get hurt." I guess I could use this day to rest and relax so I say, "Next time, tell me before you call him." Dad smiles, he knows that he got his way and he says, "Thank you need help going back up to your room?" I nod my head and then Max comes over and picks me up. While Max carries me upstairs, he says, "Your stubborn, you know that right?" 

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