My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 26

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I finished the breakfast and grabbed the glass of apple juice and I say, "How did you know what size I am?" Drake grabs the plate and says, "I asked my sister if she could see what size you are." I look at him with disgust and say, "You couldn't have bothered to wait until I was up to do that? I mean how would you feel if an unknown person was touching you when you're passed out?" Drake mutters sorry so I say, "Why is your sister alright with you kidnapping somebody?" I heard the door being opened and then a girl, my age, steps in and says, "Because Drake is the only family I have left." Drake looks at the girl and says, "Hey Brook. Come here, I want you to meet somebody."

I look up at Brook; she had long dark brown hair, grey eyes and slightly pale skin. She was wearing black tight jeans, knee high boots, a Beatles t-shirt, and a dark purple jacket. I hear a throat being cleared so I look at Drake knowing that he was source of it and he says, "Brook this is Ashley." I look up at Brook and say, "It's nice to meet you." She smiles at me and says, "Nice to meet you too." I look over at Drake and say, "Want to explain to me why I'm here?" I never saw Brook walk over until I see her hand smack Drake's head and she says, "You didn't tell her yet?"

Drake takes his hand up to his head and he cries out, "I may have brain damage now!" I laugh at that and I hear Drake say, "It's not funny! Don't encourage her." I stop laughing and then Drake says, "The reason I kidnapped you know what? I have no reason." I glare at him and say, "So basically I'm here for no reason." Drake nods his head and says, "I suppose the reason that you're here is because I know something about you that not even your family knows about." What the hell was he talking about? I guess I said it out loud because he says, "I'll reveal that soon."

I sigh and say, "Well, when are you going to let me go?" Drake scratches his head and says, "Tomorrow maybe." I nod my head and I hear Brook say, "You in a hurry to get away from me? Do you not want to be friends with me?" I look up at Brook and say, "I'm sure my family is worried about me and I do want to be friends with you." She smiles at me and says, "Do you have your phone?" Drake pulls something out of his pocket and he hands it to Brook. I see it's my phone so I say, "Hey! I better get my phone back."

Brook hands the phone back to me and Drake says, "If you don't do anything with your phone, you can have it." I nod my head and then Brook and Drake leave the room, shutting the door. Then suddenly the door opens and I see Drake pop his head out and he says, "If you want to come out, you can." I nod my head and then he shuts the door. I turn my phone on and see that I had many calls and texts. I know Drake said not to do anything with my phone but I just needed to text my dad. I texted him, told him I'm fine and then I lied to him and said that I was too tired to drive him and my friend from work let me stay at his place.

Dad sends me a message back and it says, 'When you get back home, you're going to be under lock down.' I sigh, I can't believe that he would go that far to do that but I guess I expected it. I hear a knock on the door and then it opens and in comes Brook and she says, "Do you want to come down for lunch?" I nod my head, got off the bed and followed Brook. We got into the dining room and the both of us sat down at the table. Drake brought plates out and then he sat down too. I was hesitant about eating but then I saw Drake and Brook eating so I decided to eat too.

I finished eating and then Drake grabbed our plates and he says to Brook, "Why don't you take Ashley into the living room." I stand up and follow her into the designated area and she tells me that I can sit down so I do. Drake comes in then and he sits down beside me. I was fighting the urge to get up and get away from him but kept myself from doing it. Drake looks over at me and he says, "How are you Ashley?" I turn to look at him and say, "Why do you care?" Drake just looks at me and then he says, "I do may not consider me as a friend but I do think of you as a friend."

I sigh a little and say, "I do still think of you as a friend, even though right now you don't deserve it." Drake smiles and says, "Thanks." At five o' clock, Drake got up to make dinner probably and then eleven minutes later he calls out, "Come and sit down at the table." Brook and I got up and we went to the table and we sat down. After we ate, I told Drake that I wanted to go to bed. I got up then and went up to the bedroom that I was given. I shut the door and then I grabbed the pajamas and then I went into the bathroom and quickly changed. I walked out of the bathroom to see Drake putting something on the bed so I say, "What are you doing?" He turns around and he says, "I brought your clothes back...the ones you wore to work. I washed them for you."

My Darkest FantasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora