My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 10

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Luke's P.O.V.

When Ashley and I arrived in our room, I was pissed that she would try and protect Dylan. I pushed Ashley onto the bed and say, "If you ever touch anybody other than me again I will punish you; do you understand me?!" She looks up at me and nods her head slowly and then I say, "When I talk to my friends about something they did, do not intervene!"I look down at her face and I see that she's crying...I wonder when she started. Just as I was about to sit on the bed beside her and hug her tightly; somebody knocks on the door. I called out for the person to come in and I saw that it was Dylan with the bags. After he walked out, I sat down by Ashley and I gently pulled her towards me for a hug. 

I held her tightly and whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry for yelling at you." She didn't say anything, only wrapping her arms around me. I grin at that and then I pull her up onto my lap. She never resisted only laying her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head and then I began to stroke her hair. Ten minutes later I realized that Ashley must've fallen asleep because I hear her light breathing. I stand up with her in my arms and I lay her on the bed. I was about to leave the room when I hear her say, "Don't leave...stay." I turn around and make my way to the bed when she says, "Get in please." I got in bed beside her and I wrap my arms around her and I kiss her cheek. Ashley lays her head on my chest. I chuckle and say, "Comfortable?" She tells me that she is and then I closed my eyes, so that way we both can get some sleep.

I woke up three hours later...I looked down and saw that Ashley's head was on my chest so I listened for her breathing and found that she was still asleep. I stroked her hair and smiled at the fact that I have this beautiful mate sleeping on my chest. I feel Ashley moving around so I knew that she was waking up. I took my arms away from her body so she can sit up and when she does, I sit up too. She looks at me...we both were staring into each other's eyes when I leaned forward. I got up close to Ashley's face...I paused just to see what her reaction would be. She has her eyes closed so I moved my head just a bit closer and our lips made contact with each other. I pulled away and I hear somebody whimper...I realized that it was Ashley. I chuckle and whisper, "Would you like me to kiss you some more?" She opens her mouth but then she closes it...she's hesitating but then she nods her head and says, "Please." I smile at her response and say, "Just calm down..." After that my lips go back on hers. 

Ashley's P.O.V.

I loved how Luke's lips felt against mine; I could kiss those lips forever and I would never get tired of it. Just as that thought came and left my mind somebody knocked on the door. We both pulled away...not sure who pulled back first but then Luke says, "Who is it and what do you want?!" I hear a voice say Ryan and then he says, "I need to talk to you about something...regarding your family." Luke got up, gave me a quick kiss on top of my head and then he ran out the door. I put my finger to my lips, not believing that I was kissing Luke. I sigh a little and lay down on the bed waiting for him to come back. 

I sat up quickly...wait, did Ryan say regarding your family? I knew Luke had a mother but she died and he has a father but those two never got along, but who would Ryan be talking about? Two hours later the door opens to reveal Luke. After he closed the door he sat down beside me and just when I was about to say something he beats me to it by saying, "Please don't ask." I nod my head and the both of us became silent after that. I looked down at my shirt, brushing away all the loose pieces of hair and say in a whispering voice, "Why did you kiss me?" Luke turns to face me and says, "What was that? Didn't hear you."  I swallowed quickly and say, "Why did you kiss me?" Luke didn't answer me only leaned in towards me and he kissed me gently on the lips and he says, "Because I like you." 

I was shocked...did Luke just say that he likes me? I recovered from my shock and say, "Can you repeat that, please?" I hear Luke chuckle and then he says, "I like you Ashley." Wow, so it wasn't just my mind playing around with me and creating shit...he really just said that he likes me. I look into Luke's eyes and say, "I like you too." Luke smiles a bit and then leans in to kiss me again and he whispers, "I'm glad." What I really wanted to say was that I loved him but I barely knew this guy personally. I lay back down on the bed; I felt eyes looking down at me and I knew that it was Luke. I looked up at him and I hear him whisper, "You're beautiful." My voice was caught in my throat...did he just say that I'm beautiful and then I say, "Um...thank you?" Luke laughs and he leans down so our faces are almost touching and just as I was about to kiss him, he says, "You really are beautiful." Just as I was about to lift my head up so our lips would meet, Luke lowers his head and he kisses me. 

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