My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 3

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day, did the same routine that ended with me driving to work. I walked to the mall and when I arrived in the store, I saw that it was packed. I waved at Josh and then I went to the back to clock and then I quickly made my way to the front to help. When I got back to Josh, half the crowd was gone so I helped with what was left and soon everybody was gone.

"I am so glad you're here." Josh says.

I laugh and then he pulls me toward him and hugs me tightly so I hug him back.

"You want something to drink? I'll buy." He asks.

I knew he wanted to thank me for helping him out.

"Pepsi please." I reply.

He leaves then to go get the drinks. He came back with a soda and he handed it to me. I give him my thanks, open the drink and take a sip. I took another drink before putting the cap back on.

"The boss is coming." He whispers.

I looked up and saw Jeremy coming over. He stopped in front of us.

"Josh, I know that tomorrow is your day off but I need you here." Jeremy says.

Josh tells him that he doesn't mind coming in.

"Good, you don't have to work Friday then." Jeremy then says.

Then Jeremy heads to the back.

"Now you're working with me." I say.

Josh glares at me. "Hush...drink your pop." He says.

I laugh a little, open my pop and take a drink.

Five hours had past and we barely had any customers in. I only had one hour left of work and I was hoping that Jeremy would let me go early. I saw Jeremy come over and he arrived at the counter.

"You can go home Ash." He tells me.

I smile. "Thank you." I say.

I began to make my way to the back to clock out.

"Could you possibly come early tomorrow?" Jeremy asks.

I turn to face him. "Of course I can." I reply.

I then make my way to the back, clock out and then I left the store making my way to the entrance of the mall. I went to my car, got in, and then my phone goes off. I pull my phone out and saw that it was Max calling so I answered it.

"Can I hang out with you?" He asks.

I told him that I can't because I have to work early tomorrow, we hang up then and I made my way home. As soon as I got in my apartment, I got in my pajamas and jumped into bed falling asleep right away.

Today was Wednesday, the day of the concert...I wish I could go but my work and bills come first. At least Faith would be taking pictures and give me copies. I showered and dressed quickly, Jeremy wanted to come early so I was leaving for work an hour early. I got in my car and drove off heading towards the mall. I got out and made my way inside towards the store. The mall just opened so there was barely anybody around so I was happy about that. I arrived in the store and there was Josh, he smiled at me.

"Want a pop before it gets too busy?" He asks.

I nod my head and then I quickly made my way to the back to clock in. I came back to the front and Josh wasn't back yet but then he came back and handed me a pop. I took it, giving him my thanks and then I opened it, taking a drink of it.

People started coming in and I saw a lot of them were wearing Midnight Nightmare t-shirts. I was wearing one myself and then people started to pay for their things. Two and a half hours later and it was already quiet in the store.

"Concert must be starting now." Josh says.

I nod my head. "Faith and Sarah are so lucky that they get to go see them." I say.

It was now time to head home so Josh and I punched out and we left the mall. I waved goodbye to Josh before we went to our cars. As soon as I got in my car, my phone goes off so I pulled it out and saw that Max was calling.

"I'm at your apartment, are you coming home?" He asks.

I tell him that I'm on my way. We hang up then and I began to drive off heading to my apartment and when I got there, I saw Max sitting on his car. I drove up next to him and got out of the car. Max got off of his car, walked over to me and he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and we made our way up to my apartment. I opened the door and sat down on the couch.

"So why did you want to hang out?" I ask.

Max sits down beside me. "Is it wrong to spend time with my baby sister?" He questions.

I roll my eyes. "I am not a baby." I reply.

Max chuckles. "I know that...can I stay the night?" He asks.

"Yeah, but I have to get to sleep now." I reply.

"So you have to work tomorrow?" He questions.

"Yeah I get off work at four." I reply.

Good, we can hang out afterwards." He says.

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