My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 25

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Ashley's P.O.V.

After I showed Drake what to do and after I was sure that he could handle it, I went and grabbed another box and unloaded it. I looked over at Drake and I see that he's putting the clothing away properly. Drake and I were on our second box and he says, "This is very easy." I chuckle and say, "Then let's quickly get this done." Drake and I then were on our third box and we were able to get through them quickly then we grabbed another set and began to put them away too. We had one box left and just as I was about to help Drake with the last box he says, "I can do this one." I nod my head and say, "Alright, I'm going to quickly text my dad and tell him that I'll be coming home soon."

Drake nods his head and then I pulled out my phone and text dad that I'll be coming home soon after I clock out. I put my phone back and after Drake finished with the box, we clocked out and then we made our way out the store. We left the mall and I noticed that Drake had parked his car near mine. I walked to my car and I realized that Drake was still following me. I got to the door and I knew Drake was behind me and just as I was about to turn around to find out why he was still following me, I was grabbed from behind and a cloth was pressed up against my nose and mouth. I tried fighting off whoever was trying to drug me but vision was failing and soon enough I passed out.

I wake up in a bed; I sat up quickly and I realized that I'm not in my room. I see that there's a night light plugged into the wall so I got out of the bed and went to look for the door. I found the door and tried the knob but the door was locked. I began pounding on the door and yelling out, "Let me the fuck out of here!" I hear a door being opened and then a minute later, I hear a familiar voice say, "Just go back to asleep and I'll explain things to you in the morning." I gasp and say, "Drake?! Did you fucking kidnap me?!" I hear him say that he'll explain things to me tomorrow so I say, "Bullshit, tell me now!" I don't hear him anymore and then I hear a door slam shut.

I growl in frustration and then I hit the door one more time and I walk over to the bed. I lay down and then I hear a knock on the door and Drake says, "Ash, there's some clothes on the dresser for you." I don't say anything and then I hear a door close. I get off the bed again and then I walk back over to the door and I feel on the wall for a light switch and after I find it, I turn it on. I see five bags sitting on the dresser so I grab them and carry them to the bed. I open up the bags and I see that there's clothing and undergarments.

I looked through the clothing and realized that everything that I was pulling out was my size or one size up. How the fuck could Drake get my size right? The thought of him touching me and looking at my size made me sick. I looked around and found a bathroom so I went in there and threw up in the toilet. I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and after I flushed the toilet, I washed my hands. I went over into the bedroom and finished going through the clothes. I found five pairs of pajamas and then I picked the one I wanted to wear and ran into the bathroom to change.

I looked through the bathroom to find any cameras and after I didn't find any, I quickly changed into the pajamas and went back to the bedroom. I put all the clothes back into the bags and then I placed them on the floor. I turned the light off and with the help of the night light; I was able to get back to the bed safely. I get on the bed and lie down on the pillow and fell asleep. I woke up the next day, to somebody shaking me. After my eyes were focused, I look to my left and see Drake. I back up against the wall and say, "Don't touch me." Drake puts his hands up in the air and he says, "Alright, I won't touch you. Are you hungry?" I nod my head and say, "Are you going to give me answers?"

Drake nods his head and says, "I promise to answer any questions you have except for a few." I frown at that and say, "What do you mean by that?" Drake sighs a little and says, "I just don't feel like I need to answer every little question you have alright?" I nod and he says, "I'll get you some breakfast and I'll answer your questions." Drake leaves the room and then half an hour later, he comes back with a plate and cup with apple juice. He places them on the nightstand by the bed and then he sits down on the bed near me. I grab the plate and say, "Did you poison this food?" Drake shakes his head and says, "I would never do something like that to you."

I grab the fork and take a bite of food and after I finished chewing I say, "Did you kidnap me for money?" I take another bite of food, look at Drake and he says, "No, I have plenty of money." I frown, swallow the food in my mouth and say, "Then what did you kidnap me for?" Drake doesn't say anything for a bit but then he says, "I guess it's because I like you and I can't stand rejection." I shake my head in disgust and say, "I don't want you Drake, and I'm with somebody else." Drake chuckles and says, "Then how come I've never seen him?" I shake my head and say, "It's none of your business Drake; I don't know you and also you kidnapped me."

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