My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 27

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Ashley's P.O.V.

After Drake left the room, I grabbed my clothes and sat them on the dresser. I turned the night light on and then I turned the main light off and then I got into the bed and fell asleep instantly. I woke up to somebody shaking me so I sat up and saw Drake and he says, "Do you want breakfast?" I nod my head and say, "Are you going to drop me off at my car?" I look at Drake and see that he's nodding his head and then he says, "If it's still there." I got up then and Drake says, "I'll see you downstairs." He walks out the door shutting it so I got up, grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I got changed, grabbed my shoes, put them on and then I went downstairs.

I saw Brook and Drake were already eating so I sat down and began to eat. After eating, Drake got up and washed the dishes. He came back over and he says, "Shall we get going?" I nod my head and then I get up and suddenly I was engulfed in a hug. I see its Brook and she says, "Hope to see you again." I hug her back and then we let go of each other and I follow Drake out the door and then we got into the car and I see my wallet and keys. I look at Drake as I say, "Why is my stuff here?"

He looks down at my stuff and he says, "I guess I forgot them." I put them in my pockets and then he starts the car up and we drives off. We arrived at the mall but I noticed that my car was gone and then Drake says, "Do I drop you off at your house?" I nod my head and then Drake drives off and I had to give him the directions. We arrived at my house and I saw my car parked in the driveway. Drake stopped the car and I opened up the door and got out. I shut the door and I began walking but then I heard my name being called by Drake.

I turn around and he says, "I know about Luke and what he is to you." I was shocked and then just as I was about to say something, he drove off. How the hell does he know about Luke? Hopefully dad would let me go to work so I could find out what the hell Drake was talking about. I walked inside to be ambushed by dad and he says, "Do you enjoy making me worried?" I lower my head slightly and whisper, "I'm sorry." Because of my head being down, I never noticed that dad was walking towards me until I felt his arms around me and he whispers, "I'm sorry too but your still under lock down." I nod my head and say, "Would I be able to go work still?" Dad lets go of me and says, "Yes, but me or one of your brothers will be taking you and picking you up."

I was allowed to go upstairs then and I decided to go to bed. I woke up the next day and went to do my normal routine and then I went downstairs. I saw my brothers in the kitchen, they were both cooking so I say, "You guys making breakfast?" Max turns around and says, "Yeah, sit down. I'll be taking you to work." I sat down and then Max handed a plate to me and then he grabbed his plate and sat down too. After we ate, Max and I went out to the car and we got in. We arrived at the mall and just as I was about to get out, Max grabbed my arm and he says, "Did you get your phone?"

I nod my head and he says, "Call me when you get off work, understand?" I nod my head again and then I get out of the car and after I close the door, I make my way inside. I was hoping that Drake was in the store already so I could talk to him but when I entered the store, he was nowhere in sight. I see Jeremy so I walk up to him and he says to me, "Drake isn't going to be working here anymore...he quit."

*Two Months Later*

My dad finally let me off of lock down and I was happy because I had heard that Midnight Nightmare was in Oklahoma. It wasn't that far away from where I lived. The concert was going to be in two weeks. I needed to see Luke and I needed to tell him how I felt. I went downstairs to where dad was and I open my mouth and say, "Dad, can I go to Oklahoma?" He looks up at me and says, "Why?" So I tell him that Midnight Nightmare is going to be there and that I really wanted to go and then he says, "When is it?"

I tell him what day and he says, "Alright you can go. I'll get you a ticket and a pass but you need to tell Jeremy." I nod my head and say, "I will and thank you dad." I hugged my dad and then he gets up and says, "I should probably go buy your ticket and pass. Were you wanting to stay the night before the day of the concert?" I nod my head and say, "And the next day too." I head upstairs then and I grab my phone and called Jeremy and when he answered I told him which three days I wanted off and he says, "Alright that's fine. Where are you going?" I tell him that I'm going to a concert and he tells me to be careful and we hung up.

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