My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 28

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Ashley's P.O.V.

 *Two Weeks Later*

Today was Tuesday and I was in a hotel room. I had a duffle bag with clothes and my pass and ticket were in my bag too. The concert was tomorrow and I was excited to see Luke and the guys of course, but mostly Luke. I decided to go to bed then since I was exhausted from driving here. I woke up the next day and I walked into the bathroom and showered quickly and then I combed my hair. I went to my duffle bag and then I opened it and pulled out my outfit which was a Midnight Nightmare t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I put them on and I went and combed my hair again and then I got my shoes on.

I walked over to the window and looked out, I saw it was windy so I went through my duffle bag and pulled out my 'Avenged Sevenfold' hoodie and then I put it on. I grabbed all of my stuff and I put the pass around my neck and then I tuck it behind my shirt. I left the room and then I went out to my car and I drove off to the event center. I got there and I was so excited to see Luke again. Soon me and everyone else that was in line were able to go in and after the security guards patted us down, we were able to go look for a seat. There were three other bands before Midnight Nightmare and not that I hated the other bands...because I didn't, but the only band I wanted to see was Luke's band.

Soon Midnight Nightmare came onto the stage and I was excited and then Luke stepped forward to the microphone and he yells out, "You fuckers ready to rock?!" I, along with everyone else, cheered loudly. I sang along to every song they played and then Luke says through the microphone, "The last song we will be playing isn't on any of our albums but it's dedicated to the woman I love and it's called My Destined Love." I knew the song was about me and I began crying but it was tears of happiness.

Soon the last song was done and I wiped my tears away and went to find where the guys were going to be at. I saw a security guard so I showed him my pass and he knocked on the door and I see it open. The security guard tells whoever was at the door that I had a backstage pass and then I was allowed to walk in and as soon as the door was shut, I was engulfed in a tight hug. I hugged whoever was hugging me and then we let go of each other and I saw it was Luke.

Luke's P.O.V.

I heard a knock on the door and then Ryan got up and he went to the door and opened it. I could see that it was a security guard and then suddenly the guard moved out of the way. Ryan moves out of the way too and I see...I gasp and I see that it's Ashley. I got up and ran over to her and I hug her tightly. She then hugged me back and then we let go of each other and I looked at her face. She's crying but smiling at the same time and she whispers, "I love you."

I was so happy to hear that from her so I say, "I love you too." She looked shocked and then says, "But I thought you said you didn't love me." I wish I never said that I didn't love her because I do, I love her a lot so I say, "I always did and I still do love's just, I wanted you to say it. I felt you didn't love because I kidnapped you." I see Ashley shake her head and she whispers in my ear, "I want you to prove that you love me." I wrap my arms around her and say, "I'll prove it." I then kiss the top of her head and whisper, "Do you have a hotel room?" I feel her nod her head and then she says, "Did you want to go now?"

I nod my head and say, "What is the hotel called?" She then tells me the name of it and then I say to the guys, "Did you hear the name of it?" They all nod their heads so I say, "Can you meet us there tomorrow?" They nod again so Ashley and I left the building and I follow her to her car and say, "Let me drive." We get in then and I drove off and I hear Ashley telling me where to go. We arrived at the hotel and we both got out and I grabbed her hand and we made our way to her room. When we got there, she grabbed the car, swiped it and then we walked in shutting the door. I turned her towards me and I whisper, "I love you."

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