My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 31

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Ashley's P.O.V.

It was silent for a bit and I thought that maybe he hung up but then he says, "Do you love him?" I say yes to him and then he says, "I want to meet him." I sigh slightly and say, "I'll have to talk to him and I'll let you know what he says but if he says yes then I want the rest of the band to be there too." Dad tells me that it's fine so we hung up and I decided to call Faith and tell her what's going on and where I'm at and she screams. I take the phone away from my ear and as soon as she calmed down, I brought the phone back to my ear and say, "So if you can tell Sarah and maybe you two can come onto the bus with us." We hung up then and I stood up and walked back inside to face Luke. I hoped he wouldn't start yelling at me and then he opens his mouth to say, "What were you doing outside Ashley? Isn't it cold out?"

I sigh happily knowing he wasn't going to yell so I say, "I talked to my dad and to one of my best friends. And it wasn't that cold." Luke nods his head and then I say, "Also my dad wanted to meet you and I sort of said that my two friends could come on tour with us." Luke looks shocked and angry at the same time but then he says, "Do you find it necessary to think that you could do whatever you want and won't get in trouble for it?" I glare at him and say, "I could always leave and go back home." I then began walking towards the room to my bag when all of a sudden someone grabbed my arm. I turn to look at Luke and he says, "Don't leave, I just got you back. I'll meet your dad and your friends can come...just stay please." I stared into his eyes and I could see that he looked worried that I would still leave so I say, "I'll stay." As soon as I said that, he pulled me towards him and he hugged me gently and he whispers, "Thank you Ashley. I love you." I smile, wrap my arms around him and whisper back, "I love you too Luke and thank you."

We let go of each other and then Luke kisses me and just as I was about to kiss him back, my phone begins playing its ringtone so I quickly kiss him and then I pull out my phone and answered it. It was Faith and she tells me that she talked to Sarah and that they both want to come so I put her on hold and say to Luke, "When can they come over and how will they get here?" Luke doesn't say anything for a bit but then he says, "Anytime they want too and I'll pay for them to get here." I put my phone back up to my ear and say, "When do you want to come?" She tells me that they would like to come in three days so I say, "Alright and Luke is going to be paying for your tickets."

*Three Days Later*

I checked my phone at twelve o'clock and saw that I missed a text and it says it's from Faith and that they're about to board the plane. I checked the time it was sent....only six minutes ago so I told Luke in front of the guys. The guys looked confused and then Dylan says, "What are you talking about?" I look at the guys and say, "Two of my friends are coming here." I see the guys look at Luke and Dylan says, "You're actually allowing this?" Luke looks at me as he says, "I want to make my mate happy. Shall we get to the airport then?" I smile, nod my head and then Luke gets up and walk towards me. He wraps his arms around me and then Dylan says, "Which airport are we going to? I'll drive the bus there."

Luke tells him and then Dylan heads up to the front and the bus begins to move. We arrived at the airport and then I received another text message from Faith saying that they are getting their luggage so Luke and I went into the airport to look for Faith and Sarah. I found them walking to where we were so I grabbed Luke's hand and we walked over to them. I let go of Luke's hand and hugged Faith and Sarah. We then went to the bus and all of us got in. I hear Sarah cry out in shock so I turned around quickly and I see that she's falling backwards but then I see somebody catch her. She gets stood back up and then I see Dylan behind her. They both walk in and then after Dylan closes the door, Sarah hugs him.

After Dylan and Sarah hug they walk over, Sarah sits down and Dylan whispers in my ear, "Your friend is my mate." I look at him and whisper back, "Sarah is your mate?" He nods his head so I say, "Go to her, and stay with her." He walks over to her and sits down by her and then Faith comes towards me and says, "Can I talk to you in private?" I nod my head and we walk towards a spot where the guys aren't at and then she says, "I need to tell you something and I want you to promise that you won't get angry." I nod my head and say, "I promise I won't." She sighs slightly and says, "I'm in love with your brother Alex, we've been dating for a while." I was shocked but then I say, "I'm happy for you." She hugs me tightly and says, "Thank you."

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