Day one of trying to shift (revised)

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NIGHT BEFORE STARTING- Hey! I'm so happy you're here if you're reading this! I hope you enjoy, and I'm glad you're going to follow along on this journey with me. So, what I'm thinking is: I'm going to start with the raven method and then try something else if it doesn't work in three tries. I have already written down my affirmations, script, clone commands etc. I think i put way too much description into my script, but that's ok, people always say the more detail the better.

If you're reading this, you're probably thinking about why I'm trying to go into my DR at Hogwarts, well here's the reason: I'm so tired of being here with all of this Covid stuff, and online school is getting really stressful. My teachers won't answer my questions and I'm failing my classes and I just need an escape. 

Hogwarts and the Harry Potter movies have made me really happy since as long as I can remember, so I want to go back to that happy place, but this time I want it to feel real. The first thing I'm going to start with is meditating for 20 minutes to just clear my mind and create a positive energy, then I'm going to turn on some subliminals and do the raven method. If you don't know, the raven method is basically where you lay in a starfish position and count from 1-100 and in between every number you say in your head "I have shifted" and when you get to 100 you don't move or open your eyes, you just lay there and repeat your affirmations. Affirmations are things like "I am in my desired reality," "I've shifted into my desired reality," or "I'm finally in my desired reality." Personally, mine are going to be "I'm a master shifter," "I am in my desired reality," "I am at Hogwarts," and "I have shifted."

MORNING AFTER- I meditated last night for 15 minutes instead of 20 because I almost fell asleep, but when I went to do the raven method, I couldn't fall asleep, so that kinda sucks. I tried for an hour and kept counting to 100 and I just eventually gave up and just got into my normal sleeping position. After I had given up on trying, I couldn't get to sleep, so I got 2 hours of sleep all together. I checked what time it was at 8 AM and it's now 11 AM and I just woke up. I so overslept, I was supposed to be awake at 9 AM for school. So, after I get some work done, I'll research some tips.

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