Side Story 1:| Shouldn't Buy Friendship Through Favours |

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Her legs ached at the wait and she was growing restless. Even a house dog would be treated more appropriately.

But, she remembered how much she had struggled to win them back, especially after Anastasia had lashed a few painfully honest words that night.

As though they had already not plundered enough from her, these two friends of hers have started plundering more of her goods, after that day. And, thanks to her over righteous roommate, she has no excuse to stop them.

It was already bad that Lady Odette Swan has started threatening her by putting both her friendship and her opportunity to enter the other noble houses on the line, to brainwash Alice. And now.. she had do favours from them like cooking them these cookies to be close to them again too. But..

It's okay.. It's okay Alice.

Just bear with them until you get out of this house.. After that, they would treat you right and you can be happy again...

It's okay.. It's okay.

Alice took a deep breath and continued waiting for them by the door.

However, Alice soon got tired of it and decided to give the file of papers, she had bought to her ill-tempered lab partner whom, she wasn't exactly on good terms.


In a few steps of distance under a certain large tree, a very handsome and popular blue haired kid was laying calmly, closing his long delicate eyelashes.

Not many dared to approch him due to his usual intimidating aura. So, the lad was often left isolated.

But, he didn't care a bit about it.

As a matter of fact, that's what he wanted and so, he simply continued chillin under the shade of the mother nature.

Alice slowly walked towards this certain boy and looked at him.

Though a book covered his face, Bluebeard's usual gray hood had been surprising not worn by him. But, was rather neatly folded and placed beside the place he was sitting probably due to the humid climate.

So, by his posture you could easily see his clear blue hair scattered by the soft wind.

Bluebeard's fair yet slender skin was filled with trembling shadows of the tree leaves. And, his long eyelashes seemed too graceful even though he wasn't exactly a nobel.

For a moment, Alice froze at the gorgeousness of this beauty. Seeing him so close without his hood she could easily understand why Odette Swan and Suger Plum fangirled over this lad.

Ha, he's gotta a pretty face. I admit. But, too bad he has to be such a jerk..

Alice clicked her tounge and called him impatiently.

"Excuse me.. "


There was no response.

Alice cleared her throat and repeated again more louder.

"Excuse me.. Emo boy..?"

Bluebeard's eyes wrinkled a bit at her voice. But, then cooled down as though he hadn't heard her and he went back to sleep again.

Alice felt frustrated by her vain attempts.

This jerk! I bet he's doing this on purpose.

She clenched her fists and her eyes roamed around randomly when, she caught the sight of a wash basin beside them.

I Swear, I Am Not A Cinderella |Book 2- The Fairytale Academy|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora