Chapter 5; Decisions

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Hi everyone! I know, I know, I've been so inactive lately. I was fighting writers block, then I had studying (all that's wrapping up for now) and work, then right when I had planned to update I got busy with preparations for my brothers engagement. So yeah, basically, life happened. But here's a freshly baked chapter, made with plenty of love <3 I'm also making new book 'Interdimensional Pirates', if anyone is interested in adding it to their libraries to check it out when I start on it. Until then, peace out ✌🏼 and please forgive me for the wait I made you guys go through 😣 let me know how you're liking bk2 so far! I'd really like to hear your thoughts :) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

The wind howled through the cracks and holes in the mountain. Smoke rose slowly from its peak, staining the clouds above ash grey. Men yelled in anger and screamed in pain and fear as they threw spears up towards the mountain. Inside the volcano that's walls dripped sluggishly with lava, dragons gathered around the cracks and holes in the volcano walls to fire back. Fire and ice shot back at the men who leaped out of the way, rowling and tumbling on the slippery snow.

I sat in my small stone room looking down at the red dress I was wearing. I had been working on making a dress since I had arrived at the dragons home, two months ago. I had finally finished it this morning and I looked down at it in satisfaction. The ground shook under me and dust fell from the roof as the battle continued outside. It had woken me up and I had quickly slipped on my new dress, followed by my bow and quiver, then my snake-skin bag. I strode out of my room in frustration, heading straight for the Generals room.

I stopped in from of General Theaven's room, holding back the urge to storm in. "May I enter, General?" I asked and I heard his voice behind the large stone door, welcome me in. I pushed the door open with a considerable amount of effort, the hinges squeaking from the weight.
When I had first arrived here, I'd often wonder how the Dragons managed to build things like the hinges on the doors. Only the rooms of important dragons, or in my case, people, had doors. The rest of the rooms were all open and people could move in and out as they pleased.
The few doors in the volcano were large rounded rocks that had been carved to fit the door hole, with just a small gap at the bottom so the door could be pushed back and forward. There was one large hinge on the door that connected it to the wall and allowed it to move back and forward more freely, that was made with a mixture of metals and was, in a humans eyes, quite a messy job, bumped and waved in odd ways that looked as though there was little effort put into it. However, for dragons, I wondered how they even managed this. Though messy, they made something that needed such fine work, with their large paws and talons? And how would they know how to make hinges anyway? Isn't that a human invention?
But after all these questions piled up, I decided to ask Zane. That's when he took me deep into the mountain where I had never been before. There he introduced me to the dragons behind all the finer buildings. They were tiny dragons, much smaller than any I'd ever seen, the largest among them was only a bit more than half the size of Zane, but most of them were as large as my open hand.
"These are what we call Atoms, the smallest species of dragons alive today." Zane told me, as I watched the pale coloured dragons work, breathing tiny lines of fire onto chunks of metal, melting it and shaping it, slowly, with their tiny heatproof hands.
"They're very intelligent dragons. They have incredible memory and they can recreate anything they've seen being made. That's how they made the hinges you asked about." Zane said. "but why've I never seen them around the village before?" I asked. I was sure if I'd ever seen a dragon so small I'd have remembered it, considering when I had first seen Zane I thought he was the smallest dragon.
"Well, they aren't exactly the best dragons for attacks are they? They're far too small. On occasion though, they'll convince the General to allow a few of them to sneak into the villages blacksmith shops. That's hoe they learnt to make these things, from a few minutes of observing the humans create something. Then when those dragons return they need to explain the whole process to the group. They aren't the prettiest creations, but they do the best they can with the little resources and knowledge they have."

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