Chapter 6: Bella, Liliath and Asher.

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Dedicated to
For their touching suggestion for me to publish this book IRL.  😱😁

Photo above by KittyCatzy

Little orange butterflies fluttered around my head, some landing in my straight blonde hair.
I looked around at the beautiful creatures, squinting from the bright light that shone from the sun.

"Aren't You'se lovely." I whispered.
My gaze turned to a black crow that sat angrily on a tree branch. The branch was fresh and covered in moss and leaves that had fallen from the branch above it.


My eyes snapped open quickly, I found myself in bed. My covers and pillows under me, and in my day clothes. Cranky stared at me from the bed post. I huffed. "Would you stop staring at me when I'm sleeping." I pushed myself up so I was sitting, with my head titled to the right, looking straight at the crow.
"Your interfering with my dreams." I said, turning my head to look out the window.

"Hm, it was only just sunset maybe half an hour ago." I said, more to myself than anyone else.
"Wait..." I said slowly.
"Sunset!" Pushed myself off the bed with a powerful push of my arms.
I put out my arm and allowed Cranky to climb onto it. "Thanks boy."
I ran out of my room, and straight out the door. I wasn't sure animals were as intelligent or observant as people, and I wasn't sure if Cranky knew that he just done a favour for me, or if he just felt like staring at me. But it sues felt like he done it on purpose.

Cranky opened his wings and took off. "Cranky! Get back her-" I started before I bumped into someone.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." I quickly said.
But honestly I wouldn't have said that if I knew who she was.

Her dark blue silk dress blew gently in the sunset wind. The top of the dress and the sleeves were lase, only something the wealthy owned. It was extremely hard to make a lase dress. I tried making one for my mother once on her birthday, years ago, I did succeed, but it coated a lot of gold and took more than a month of none stop working. Nasty work they are. I never looked at lase the same after that. But the upside is, that every year on my mothers birthday she wears it.
Till this day she still shows it off to her friends.

But anyways, back to this girls dress.
It had a golden belt like ring around the waste of the dress, and at the front was two little feathers. These feathers were the symbol of our tribe. That meant only the Chief, his wife or offspring can wear these two feathers on their clothes.

So this girl, was the Chiefs daughter.
I looked up at her face that I hated seeing. Her hair was pulled back into a tight horse tail. And her lips were unnaturally red, and her eyes were brown like her hair.

 And her lips were unnaturally red, and her eyes were brown like her hair

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