Chapter 12; Meeting Zane

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Photo above by KittyCatzy

My eyes squinted open, and all the sunlight instantly covered my vision.
I sat up slowly, my covers were still wrapped around me. I squinted as I looked around at the bright room.
I looked out the window. The sun shone so brightly, and the sky looked so clear and beautiful. Such lovely weather.
I grabbed the curtains and pulled them closed, most of the light being suddenly blocked out. "This weather."
I mumbled as I kicked my covers off, and to the back of my bed.
"Couldn't have been like this yesterday?" I asked the weather as I swung my legs off the bed and my feet hit the floor.
"Your either too cold or too hot,
Too snowy or too sunny, too dark or
Too bright, choose something in between for everyone's sake." I continued to mumble drowsily and exhausted. I really wanted to rest more, but the sun woke me up, and besides, I wasn't the kind of person to sleep in very much. Not much village people get that chance, but when I got it, I didn't want to take it. I wanted to get things done, even if that meant just sitting up in a tall tree watching the village do their things.
I brushed my hair quickly then threw it over my shoulders.
Actually, I would end up sleeping in that tree, but at least I was outside breathing fresh air, and getting the warmth of the sun.

I opened my door after quickly getting ready, I stepped out and gently closed the door behind me.
We won't going hunting today, because we normally go every second day unless we caught too little food, then we'd go two days in a row, or too much, and so we'd skip a day or two.

I skipped outside the house. I could hear my parents talking about hunting or something in their room.
I skipped around the village.
The bright warm sunlight was so beautiful and refreshing and cozy after yesterday. I felt like it'd put me to sleep soon.

I skipped towards the Heart Oak tree.
Today was the perfect day to sit in the tree and relax with no one but my thoughts. The Heart Oak tree came into view and I ran towards it, only to be stopped by none other than my old friend. I put on my brakes and halted in front of him. He kept an unamused look on his face. I frowned as a warning but when his expression didn't change, I spoke.
"What do you want Leo?" I asked warningly.
"What's your problem?" He asked angrily, ignoring my question.
"My problem?" I repeated.
"Yes, your problem. Why in the world did you do that the other night.
You made me look like a fool.
I was suggesting something to your parents for your own good.
To be able to change you to be like all the other girls, instead of being..."
He trailed off at a loss for words.

"Me. Instead of being me." I said, finishing the sentence for him.
"I don't want to be all the other girls Leo! I want to be myself, and if you don't love me for who I am, how can I call you my friend?" I asked him, in a softened tone. I was upset. Leo used to be my best friend. He wasn't the best' best friend, but he stuck by me, as annoying as he's always been.

"Whatever." Leo huffed, lost for words and clearly hurt. Probably still had a couple of bruises after what I done. Guilt began to crawl up my chest and throat, when I remembered the face of my mother that day, full of tears. Then I decided, he deserved every bruise he had, plus more.
I spun on my heel, about to walk away, since Leo clearly didn't have anything to say, but of course, he stopped me.

"What happened to you on the hunt?
I heard a dragon took off with you? Or did I hear wrong?" He asked.
I looked over my shoulder at Leo's face. "You heard wrong." I said simply, before I turned and walked past him.

I walked past The Heart Oak tree that we stood a few metres in front of.
My plans of relaxing in the tree had flew out the window, and now I aimlessly walked out of the village.
I felt Leo's eyes on me for the first minute or two of walking, but soon the trees blocked his view of me, and sighed in relief.

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