Chapter 20; Prove Your Worth

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Dedicated to teejay254
Who read my intire book in 2 days and who is also the author of my new favourite book 'The Dark Covenant'.

I had just finished telling Axel all about the things I found out in the past few days. Like about Zane, Nevis the Snow Dragon, what the true legend about the Monile was, how I was the Dragon Queen and how I needed to steal the Monile tonight. Some might say that was a dumb decision, but I trusted Axel, he was becoming like- dare I say it- a friend.
Some time had passed as we descust the matter. "How do you know you can trust this Zane guy?" Axel asked, with a mixture of doubt and concern in his tone. Whether that was concern for my mental health or if it was just for my safety.
"Because, he has all the answers to all the questions I've been asking for my whole life!" I said, my tone confident and convincing. I had a way of persuading people just with the tone of voice I used.
Axel looked at me for a few moments before he shrugged, "Go ahead, I can't stop you, but it doesn't mean I like it." Axel said.
I smiled at him. "I didn't expect you to like it." I said, before standing up to leave.
"Bye Axel, I'll see you soon." I said, turning around, but once I did I felt a hand grip my shoulder firmly. I turned my head to look into Axel's eyes that stared worriedly into mine. "Let me come with you." he said, but I was already shaking my head.
"I can't let you come Axel. This is my duty, and if I get caught I don't even know what punishment will be in store for me, and I can't let that happen to you too. Your pack needs you." I said.
"I need you." Axel replied, and I smiled at him. I began to walk passed all the sabres that sat around us. As Axel slowly slowly got smaller as the distance between us grew, I found myself wishing my punishment wasn't too harsh, or I may never see him, or my parents again.

As I walked across the snow coated ground, huddling up in Axel's jacket. I grabbed the furry hood that was softly bumping up and down on my back, and pulled it over my head. Some of the fur on the hood covered the top of my vision, but that didn't matter too much because at this time of night, I could barely see anything anyways. The moon and star light made it possible to see the outlines of the trees that covered most of the ground in the forest. It was midnight and everyone would be asleep, so I hoped my parents weren't worried that I wasn't home yet, because if I was spotted I'd have to explain everything to them, and unlike Axel it would be close to impossible to convince my parents to let me go through with my mission.

I finally exited the forest and entered my village. It was much brighter from all the torches or bonfires that had been scattered around to give light to anyone out at night. The snow made my footsteps muffled and quiet, which gave me an advantage.
I listened to my footsteps as I made my way to the cheifs house, which was on the opposite end of the village. The few streaks of my blonde hair that won't tucked away in my hood, flew gently in the wind that carried tiny snow flakes. My free hairs flew gently onto my face, tickling it slightly.

Something moved! I snapped my head to the side to catch whatever it was that was moving in the trees. "Who's there?" I whispered, instantly regretting it. Someone could've been there but hadn't seen her!
Again something moved, but this time it crawled down onto the snowy ground and stopped, letting my eyes adjust to it in the dark. "Zane?" I asked as I began to make out the outlines of his snake-like body.
"Your Majesty." Zane replied, flying up from the ground so he was now at eye level with me. "May I?" he asked, gesturing to my shoulder with his paw. "Yeah, sure." I replied and he landed on my shoulder. He was much lighter than I thought he'd be, it was like having a young cat sit on my shoulder. "What is it with everyone in sneaking up on me all the time?" I whispered in frustration.
"I apologise your majesty, I do it all the time, I don't give a second thought about it." Zane said with a shrug of his boney shoulders.
"So did you actually want something or did 8 just happen to catch you this time you were spying on me?" I asked with slit eyes.
"Well of course I wanted something! I want to see you walk out of that house with the Monile! Now stop chittering and go get it!" Zane whisper yelled and I groaned.
"Alright alright, you over sized lizard." I mumbled under my breath as I started to walk towards the cheifs house again.

When I finally arrived, only a few metres away from it, I stopped and sighed nervously, cold steam blowing from my mouth. "Zane, are you sure I have to do this?" I asked uncertainly.
"Listen, do you want to prove yourself?" he asked and I nodded, "yes."
"Do you want to show me that girls can be good too?" he asked,
"Of course!"
"Do you want to prove to yourself you can do it?"
"Do you want to go back home, knowing you succeeded your mission?!" Zane said, his voice rising but still a whisper.
"Or do you want to go back home, knowing you chickened out, knowing you failed to bring peace?!"
I sighed loudly now, my determination and stubbornness were battling hard against my intelligence and caution. But I had much more stubbornness and determination than anything else. "I can do this. I can do this!" I whispered and Zane grinned at me in satisfaction. "Than what are you waiting for?" he asked as he flapped his wings and took off into the air, then glided gracefully towards the tall trees that surrounded the village. My bravery was lessening as I watched him go.
No, this was my time. This was my moment to prove my worth, to myself, to Zane, to Axel.
I began to walk towards the cheifs house, my heart beating rapidly, so much so that my hands were shaking.
But now wasn't the time to let my nerves take over, now was the time to relax. As I stood in front of the Chiefs door, I breathed out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I let my heart beat relax, then I cleared my mind. Don't think about it, just do it, whatever happens happens, I don't care, as long as I get that Monile...

April Bluebird/BlueWhiskers1.
Dragon Age.
Chapter 20; Prove Your Worth
6.55K reads.
1223 words.

(Good game to play~ Smash Hit
Good movie~ Ninjago
Good book~ Brave Landers
Good Author~
Good Wattpad book~ The Dark Covenant (teejay254)
Good author~ teejay254
Good YT channel~ FaZe Rug)

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