Prologue; In Here

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Speckles of snow flew in the air, the wind howling through the trees.
The silent night was pierced by a young girls scream.
"Lian!" her mother called as she stomped into the room. "What happened?"
She asked as she looked down at her shivering daughter, who held her covers up to her neck. "Mom! I was so scared! There was this dragon, and he was destroying the house! And- and-" the girl stuttered in fear, but stopped as her mothers arm wrapped around her in a one-armed hug.
"It'll be alright Lian, it was just a dream. Mummy's with you, Mummy is always with you." the girls mother, Lila, said in a soothing tone, rocking her five-year-old daughter in her arm.

Silence surrounded them as the girl, Lian, began to relax. "Mother?" she began, her voice lined with curiosity.
"Yes Lian?"
"How will you always be with me?" the young girl asked.
"Why not?" the mother asked with a giggle.
"Well, because you're so old and I'm still so young.. So doesn't that mean..?"
Lian began uncomfortably, leaving her sentence hanging.
Her mother smiled, the corners of her lips almost reaching her eyes as she smiled at her young daughter.
"I will always be with you, in here." Lila said, pointing her finger to her daughters chest. She knew it was a cringy sentence that everyone used, but there was a reason for that, she believed it would help her daughter in the future.
Lian looked at her pijama dress that her mother's finger was pointing at.
"How would you get in my dress?" Lian asked in confusion, but quickly decided that's not what her mother meant, when the room began to fill with the chuckles of her mom. "No no Lian, I will always be in your heart." Lila said with a smile.

"How does that work? How do you get in there?" Lian asked curiously, but her mother shook her head. "No not like that! In your heart like... Uh... Never mind, you'll understand when you're older." Lila chuckled at her lack of words to describe what she meant. Lian cocked her head to the side in confusion, then decided to add it to the imaginary box of things
'she will understand when she's older'.

April Bluebird/BlueWhiskers1.
Dragon Age 2; The Queens Jewel.
Prologue; In Here.
397 words.

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