Chapter 25; The Witch

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This chapter is dedicated to all the victims of the corona virus! Whether they caught it, their families caught it, they lost business from it, they ran out of TOILET PAPER from it, they are in lockdowk from it or are in quarantine from it! So the final chapter of this book is dedicated to all the victims of the Corona Virus! Stay safe, stay clean, don't panic buy, wash your hands and keep your distances people! Don't worry about this, it will pass like anything and the things it brings afterwards may even be better than before. So look at the bright side of things :)
Also, Dragon Age Anniversary! See the end of the chapter for more info ;)

The ash and sparks flew in the hot breeze, melting away any trace of snow.
I ran through the slushy snow towards my house. I was almost there. My legs were burning with the effort, but I finally reached my house. It was made of wood and hay, which meant it would be fuel for the fire, and I'd be the meat cooking inside. I grabbed the wooden door handle and tried to pull it, but it was no use. It was jammed. The fire in the trees flickered closer and closer to my house, but it wasn't on fire yet. I took a couple of steps back, then slammed my right shoulder into the door, sending it flying open. I quickly ran to my room, opening the door with a lot more ease. When I entered, I looked around in horror. The blinds were on fire, and it was spreading to my bed. I had to move fast. My eyes darted around the room, before they stopped on a limp body on the floor.
"Cranky!" I screeched, running to his side.
I grabbed the little bird in my hand, shaking him gently. "Please don't die Cranky, I need you." I whispered desperately.
And for the first time in my life, I was relieved to see the piercing red eyes of the crow. "You dumb bird, you scared me." I chuckled in relief, with a hint of sadness still left in my voice.

The little black bird shook his wings, making ashes fly out of his feathers, as he flew onto my left shoulder.
I quickly looked around for my other belongings now. My bow. I quickly snatched the quiver full of arrows and my bow, and hung it over my right shoulder.
That was all I needed. I ran out of my room and into my parents room now. I ran over to their chest of draws and began opening them all, trying to find something, anything of theirs that held memories. I needed to remember them by something besides their blood that stained my hands.

Yes! Mothers bracelet. It was a bracelet she wore to big events. It was made entirely of white pearls. Mother had told me my father got it for her for a large price back when they first met. I quickly snatched the bracelet from the draw and put it around my wrist. What else could I fi-
Something creaked loudly above me, making me snap my head up to see it.
The wooden ceiling! It was collapsing in from the middle!
With energy that was only available because of my rushing adrenaline, I launched myself from beside the draws, out of the room, stumbling and falling onto the floor, just in time for the roof of my parents room to fall in on itself. Smoke and ash blew out of the room, making me cough severely. I quickly stood up now, running out of the house that was once so beautiful. I ran towards the other end of the village now, where I could hear all the commotion. I had to get out of here with the others before it was too late. My legs splashed three ough the cold, shin-high water that once was snow, soaking my dress and shoes.

I finally reached Nevis, Zane, Axel and the sabres. "Raz! Take the other sabres with you and go gather the pack, get them out of here before the fire reaches them!" Axel yelled over the sound of the fighting and the fire.
Axel turned to me as I ran towards him.
"Quick Lian, let's go!" he called, reaching his hand out for me to grab it.
But my eyes were glued to the Chieftains house. It was on fire. But I needed something from inside. It just hoped the inside was in one peice.
"Wait for me!" I called back, taking my quiver off my shoulder and tossing it to Axel. He caught it and looked at the quiver than back at me with worry. I knew the bow string would snap the second I entered the house from the extreme heat.
I changed direction towards the Chiefs house.
"No Lian! You won't make it!" I heard Axel call from a distance, but I didn't stop.
I know, I'm reckless and dumb, but I have to. I finally reached the house. The door was on fire, so I quickly kicked it down. I ran inside, everything was on fire and the gold was melting down the walls.
I reached the Chiefs room, which had its door still wide open. The room had less fire in it than the rest of the house, but it was still deadly hot. I could feel the air coming into my lungs, with little oxygen and mostly smoke and ash.

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