"The bathroom. I'll hide in the bathroom," Jack whispered, getting up and rushing into the bathroom. Julia nodded, closing the door gently behind him before going to open her room door, trying to remain calm.

"Hi, Uncle Herb," Julia feigned surprise when she saw him in the hallway. "What's up?"

"Hi. You're not busy, are you?" Herb questioned, glancing around her room.

"Yeah, Uncle Herb. I'm super busy," Julia said sarcastically. She forced a laugh, shaking her head at her uncle. She moved aside, letting him into her room. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," Herb muttered, walking into the room with his hands in his pockets. "I just wanted to check in with you. Ya know, see how you're doing with everything. Your mom, and David, and all that."

"Oh," Julia said, the surprise genuine this time. She sat down on her bed with a shrug. "I'm good."

Herb looked at her suspiciously, one eyebrow cocked in disbelief.

"Good? That's all I get from you? You haven't spoken a two-word sentence since you learned to talk and now all I get is 'I'm good'?" Herb chuckled. Julia tried to keep herself from glancing at the bathroom door. As long as Jack stayed quiet, there was no reason Herb should catch him.

"I don't know," Julia laughed, before letting out a huffy breath. "I'm a little stressed out about my mom. Like I'm not sure what I should do about..."

"Thanksgiving?" Herb guessed, watching as Julia's shoulders sunk, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Yeah. I feel like a bad sister," Julia admitted.

"Because you don't want to go," Herb finished, looking at her seriously. Julia groaned, putting her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

"No, I don't want to go! I want to spend Thanksgiving at home," Julia told him. Jack stood in the darkness of the bathroom, frowning at how unhappy she sounded.

"We're not spending Thanksgiving at home. The boys are playing in Canada that week. Patti and the kids are coming with us," Herb reminded her. She raised her head up, looking at Herb in shock.

"So...you and Patti and the kids and the boys are all going to Canada?" Julia pouted. Herb nodded, before sitting beside her on the bed. "I don't know what to do. I don't wanna hurt Shelly and Russell."

"Wanna hear a story?" Herb asked her. Julia thought for a second about Jack still hiding in the bathroom, but she nodded anyway.

"So, it was Thanksgiving 1957. I was in college, but I was home for the holiday. It was the first time that I met your mother. She was pregnant with you, and your parents had just gotten married. They came to spend Thanksgiving with us. For the sake of honesty, Julie, no one was very excited that she was pregnant. Patti, Dave, and I tried to break the tension, but it was useless. Your dad and Sylvia were pretty happy then, but they were nervous about being parents. Dinner was...awkward," Herb laughed.

"It was weird. And no one knew what to expect. But by the following Thanksgiving, you were there. You were almost walking. You babbled constantly. You were so funny. You were the very best part of Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter and everytime we were all together. And I know you were the best thing that ever happened to your dad."

Julia looked to the ground, tears in her eyes. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling a sense of guilt that he was overhearing a private moment.

"I miss my dad," Julia sighed, trying to hold back tears. "But I'm not sure how that story is supposed to make me feel better."

"All I mean is that holidays are about being around the people you love, whoever that may be. Your decision about Thanksgiving is up to you alone. And I'll support you no matter what you decide," Herb told her, patting her shoulder.

"Thanks, Uncle Herb," Julia smiled sadly. She knew he would never say it, but this was about more than just Thanksgiving. It was the entire idea of Julia letting her mom and siblings in her life. Herb wished her goodnight, before getting up and leaving the room. Julia sat on her bed, letting a tear slip from her eye. A few seconds after the door closed, Jack poked his head out of the bathroom.

"Jules? Are you okay?" Jack asked quietly. She looked up at him, quickly wiping the one tear off of her cheek.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I forgot you were in there for a second," she laughed quietly. "That was close."

"Yeah, that could've been really bad," Jack agreed, sitting beside her once again. He grabbed her hand in his again, looking down at her. "Are you sure you're alright, sweetheart?"

"I just," she sighed, her eyes burning with the threat of more tears. "I just wish my dad was here sometimes. I got away from Minnesota and hockey and Herb, and it was like I could just not think about my dad. And now it's like all I think about. Plus now my mom. I just wish my dad was here."

Before Jack could say anything, Julia was standing up from the bed, running a hand through her hair.

"Do you want to-" Jack started, before Julia cut him off.

"No, I don't want to talk," Julia insisted, before plopping back down on the bed. She fell onto her back, looking up at Jack. "Where are you taking me on our date?"

"I haven't decided yet. I need to get some input from the Minnesota boys so they can tell me the nice places," Jack told her.

"The boys? How do you think you can ask them about date advice without telling them about us?" Julia pointed out.

"I'll just tell them I'm taking some other girl," Jack shrugged. Julia sat up slowly, her face painted with annoyance.

"Some other girl?" She repeated, glowering at Jack. He stared at her for a second before he threw his head back in laughter.

"Do not tell me you're jealous over some imaginary girl," Jack teased, nudging her shoulder.

"I am not jealous. I just don't want everyone thinking you're out with some other girl," Julia pouted. Jack smirked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Because you want them thinking I'm out with you," Jack proclaimed, leaning in close and smirking at her. Julia rolled her eyes.

"I'd rather them think I was on a date with Rammer," Julia told him, inches from his face.

"I'm gonna tell him you said that," Jack laughed, before closing the distance between them with a kiss. Jack had become so comfortable kissing her, almost like it was second nature for him.

"You still better not tell the boys you're taking another girl on a date," Julia laughed as they pulled away.

"Well, then I guess you better be happy with a date at Maureen's followed by bowling," Jack chuckled. Upon hearing yet another knock on the door, Jack glared in annoyance before getting up and walking toward the bathroom. Julia giggled as he returned to his hiding place, getting up and going to answer the door. She was surprised to see Rizzo and Robbie on the other side.

"Hi? Can I help you?" Julia asked, but they were both looking past her and into the room.

"We just came to say goodnight," Robbie said, as Rizzo was craning his neck to look around her. Julia scrunched her nose up at him, blocking the doorway with her body.

"Okay. Goodnight," she said pointedly, looking between Rizzo and Robbie. Robbie didn't look quite as invested as Rizzo did.

"I haven't seen OC tonight. Have you heard from him?" Rizzo questioned, finally making eye contact with Julia.

"Not since we got off the bus," Julia lied convincingly.

"Oh, well have you-" Rizzo started to ask, but Julia was already closing the door.

"Goodnight!" Julia called as the door shut, locking it behind her. She rushed over to the bathroom, opening the door and pulling Jack out.

"Do you always have so many guests?" Jack laughed, before he pulled her in for another kiss.

"No, this is a special occasion," Julia promised. "You were the only one I was expecting."

"Oh, you knew I was gonna come see you?" Jack questioned her.

"I had a feeling," Julia smirked, before pulling him back in for another kiss. Jack didn't argue, spending the next hour in her room before quietly sneaking out and back to his room. 

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