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"Any new beginning is forged from the shards of the past, not from the abandonment of the past."     

Craig D. Lounsbrough


Seokjin burst through the door of his guest room, a big smile on his face. "Ready for the picnic?" Hoseok peeked his eye open before pulling the cover over his head. "Let me sleep."

"Oh come on Hobi, it's already 11."

"And knowing you guys you will be screaming your head off until 5 am." Seokjin ripped Hoseok's blankets away. "That's the beauty of New years!" Hoseok sat up, a sleepy expression on his face. "Fine, I'll get up."

"And be less grumpy, your boyfriend already has that roll." Seokjin said while he was already walking out of the room again. Hoseok smiled just thinking about Yoongi's grumpy face that he loved so much.

He slung his feet to the side of the bed and stretched himself out before finally getting out of bed. "Hi Mrs. Kim." Hoseok said when he passed Seokjin's mother. "Morning Hoseok." She smiled kindly at him. Seokjin's parents had been nice enough to let Hoseok stay in their guest room the past week. They even offered him a permanent stay if it was necessary.

He hadn't heard of his parents at all, the once loving parents had turned into complete strangers. Luckily he had his friends that were more than glad to become his family.

Seokjin's father smiled when Hoseok sat down. "Slept well?" He pointed at Hoseok's hair that was sticking in all different directions. Hoseok saw his own reflection in the glass table and laughed before flattening his hair.

"By the way." Seokjin's father spoke up, before handing Hoseok a box. He looked weirdly at Seokjin's father before opening the box. "We assumed you needed a new phone after it's trip in the garbage disposal." Hoseok shuddered just thinking about his dive in the trash when his mom had thrown his phone out. "Oh no, I feel bad taking it."

"We already bought it and have no receipt." Hoseok awkwardly coughed before accepting the gift. "Thank you."


"Why are your parents acting so nice to me?" Hoseok asked when he got Seokjin alone. Seokjin looked up from his phone. "...You mean the acting like a parent part?"

"No! I meant the giving me a phone, letting me stay..." Seokjin narrowed his eyes. "So the parent part."

"But they aren't my parents." Seokjin crossed his arms. "Well you better tell that to them because you sure as hell are turning into their son. They like you Hoseok. My mom always wanted another kid to take care of after my brother left for college and now here you are." Hoseok looked unsure, he had never really thought someone would be that willing to accept someone in their family. "Hoseok." Seokjin called out, before pulling his friend in for a hug. "I've known you since I was 8, you've always been family okay?"

"Okay." Hoseok answered, grateful for his friend, or brother.


"We've arrived bitches!" Seokjin threw the basket with food down. Jungkook immediately launched forward to grab a brownie from the basket. "Took you long enough." Taehyung complained falling back on Hayun's shoulder. The set time had been 10 pm and they only showed up at 10.45 pm. "Whatever, I needed to look my best for all the pictures." Seokjin carefully sat down on the blanket, Hoseok plopping down next to Yoongi.

"How are you?" Hoseok whispered, Yoongi eyed him down. "You're seriously asking me that? I should ask you that." He fixed a piece of Hoseok's hair back in place. "I'm fine." Hoseok reassured, giving Yoongi a kind smile.

"Let's discuss resolutions!" Jimin suggested. "Improving my grades." Jungkook immediately stated, he had been slacking last Semester causing the school to call his parents. They did not appreciate the news. "I'll try to insult Jungkook less." Jungkook gasped, looking at Seokjin with doe eyes. "Seriously?"

"Not if you keep acting like that." Jungkook immediately collected himself. "I'm going to try and get back up on the number 1 spot." Namjoon was determined to get his spot back. "I'm planning to spend more time with my mom." Jimin smiled, Namjoon wrapped his arm around him.

"TaeTae?" Taehyung put a grin on his face. "I want to claim what is mine next year."

"Oooohhhh." Everybody exclaimed, Hayun turning away to hide his blush. "What about you Hayun?"

"I guess I will be claimed next year." They all playfully laughed before looking at the last two. "Yoongi?"

"Same as each year, trying to improve mentally." Taehyung pinched Yoongi's cheek. "He's been amazing at that resolution." He proudly smiled at his friend, Yoongi smacked his hand away. "How about you Hobi?"

"Spending more time with my real family, you guys."

"Aaahhhhwwwww You're going to make me cry! I demand a grouphug!" Jimin called out, everyone immediately gathering in a circle. "Hayun get the fuck in here." Taehyung complained, pulling him inside the group hug.






"Too early Jungkook."

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Now everybody chanted. Taehyung pulled Hayun in for a kiss. "You're claimed now." He whispered, a playful smile on his face. "Consider me claimed." He whispered back, pecking Taehyung's forehead.

"Happy new year Joonie." Jimin smiled before grabbing a mistletoe out of his pocket. "Christmas has already passed."

"Shut up and kiss me." He grabbed Namjoon's collar, pressing their lips together before resting their foreheads against each other. "To an amazing new year together." Namjoon whispered, Jimin's eyes softened. "Of course."

"JUNGKOOK GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME WITH THAT FIREWORK." Seokjin frantically ran away from his maniacal boyfriend who held a lit firework in his hand. "JUNGKOOK PUT IT IN THE GROUND." Namjoon yelled once he saw what Jungkook was up to, alas it was too late and a rocket shot out from it. "What? You're meant to hold these!" Jungkook exclaimed before another one shot out.

"...So another year with these dumbasses huh?" Yoongi questioned aloud, making Hoseok laugh. "We'll survive. If Jungkook or Seokjin will though, no clue." Yoongi chuckled, looking at Hoseok. Hoseok smiled and leaned in for short kiss. "Happy new year."

"Happy new year."

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