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"When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you.”

Paulo Coelho


Had Hoseok beat Yoongi in Just Dance? Absolutely. Did Yoongi hit him with the controller almost every song? Definitely. "I'm going to be bruised up tomorrow. If my parents asks what happened I'm blaming you." Yoongi laughed, slightly shoving Hoseok to the side. "Okay, I take the responsibility."

"You can't take something you already have sir."

"Watch me." Hoseok burst out in laughter, Yoongi soon following. When they regained their composure Yoongi turned to look at Hoseok. "Thank you."

Hoseok sat up. "For?"

"Not making it weird. Like saying 'oh my god, it can talk' or 'so that's what you sound like.' The last person to respect my silence like that was Taehyungie."

"You and Taehyung are very close hm?" Yoongi looked away and smiled. "Yeah. He was actually really popular so I had my doubts at first.... but uhmm... He eventually  became my closest friend. Hell, he even moved with my family to Seoul so I can be comfortable here." Why would Taehyung have to move along with him? Daegu was only a train ride away, he could've easily just visited from time to time.

"His family is still in Daegu?" Yoongi pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded. "I  felt really bad, but he assured me that he loved it here so I didn't have to worry." Hoseok patted Yoongi's shoulder and smiled. "If he says it's fine, I'm sure it's actually fine. Taehyung doesn't seem the type to hide his opinion." Yoongi gave Hoseok a friendly smile before looking at the clock. "I have to start heading home." Hoseok smiled and gave him a nod. "That's fine, want me to find a bus you can take home?"

"No it's okay, I'll walk." Yoongi grabbed his backpack before waving Hoseok goodbye. After Hoseok watched him disappear around the corner he went back in his house and closed the door.

Hoseok couldn't help but wonder why Yoongi had suddenly decided to speak. Does he trust him? Or is he trying to make Hoseok think he trusts him.


"There's a party tonight at Sungho's house tonight. Down to join?"

"On a sunday night? We have school

"Oh come on Hobi, it will be fun."

Jimin sounded very excited about going to the party. Everyone else from their group was going as well.

"...Yeah okay I'll come along."

"Sweeet. See you tonight!"


Hoseok checked his reflection one more time before climbing out the window from his room. His parents never allowed him to go to party's if he had school the next day. They were even more against it if there was alcohol involved... Let's just say that Sungho is known for having an alcohol pantry and parents that are often out on business trips.

Hoseok walked down the few blocks before arriving. The door was already open, the loud music welcoming every teen and young adult in the neighborhood.

Once he entered he looked around before spotting his friends, even Namjoon and Yoongi had tagged along. "Hobi has arrived!" Seokjin cheerfully put his arm around Hoseok. "Now the party can truly start." Seokjin handed Hoseok a shot before everyone downed them at once.

Hoseok pulled a foul face before his usual smile appeared on his face again. "Yup. Alcohol is still disgusting." Hoseok chuckled. Taehyung and Namjoon agreed with him, meanwhile the rest of the group went for another shot. Yoongi is a drinker huh?


"My mom will kill me if she finds me like this." Hoseok sighed, before he had the hiccups again. "Mine too.... Thank God I live with Yoongi's parents instead." Taehyung chuckled. They had given them permission to go, they were just happy Yoongi and Taehyung had found a group that quickly.

"I lied that I was at Jungkook's." Seokjin admitted. Jungkook slowly lifted his head from the table. "...Wait.... I lied that I was at your place...."

"...Well fuck."

"They still think you two are together? It's been a year since the break up." Jimin looked weirdly at the both of them. "It's a good alibi." Seokjin tried defending their fucked up lie.

"Until you are late into your twenties and your parents will ask you where their grandchildren are."

"Please, they gave up on that when I came out." Seokjin waved him off, Jungkook snorted while laughing. "I'm convinced we have the same parents sometimes."

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