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"The whole world goes on and on about love. Poets spend their lives writing about it. Everyone thinks it's the most wonderful thing. But, when you mention two guys in love, they forget all that and freak out."

Mark A. Roeder


"Have any of you heard from Hoseok?" Seokjin brought up once they met up again after their week long vacation. "Nope, he is ghosting the shit outta me." Jimin complained, crossing his legs with an attitude. "Yoongi has he said anything to you?"

"He called me once last week and haven't gotten a reply back since then. I'm worried, this isn't like Hoseok." Taehyung wrapped his arm around Yoongi, who had been pretty pissed off about the ignoring. Jungkook walked up to them, kissing the top of Seokjin's head before sitting down.

"Talking about Hobi?" Jungkook questioned, making the others nod. "I went over to personally invite him but his parents were acting very odd." They all turned to give attention to Jungkook. "What?"

"Saying that he is no longer allowed to meet up with us, that we're a bad influence to him. Like? What's that all about?" Yoongi sighed, putting his hand on his forehead. "I think I know what's going on." Now all the attention switched to Yoongi. "What is it?" Namjoon asked.

"I think his parents found out."

"About what?"

"About him being gay." Seokjin had a puzzled look on his face. "Wait they didn't know?"

"No, they did not. They're quite homophobic according to Hoseok." Jimin's eyes widened. "I have totally said that I wanted someone to dick me down while his mother was in the other room."

"Really Jimin?" Jungkook gave a disappointed sigh. "What? I like getting dicked down."

"And now you have a giant dick to do that." Seokjin remarked, Jimin proudly smiled and patted Namjoon's leg. "Sure do."

"How do you know the size of my dick?" Namjoon questioned, Seokjin leaned back in his chair. "I've seen you in sweatpants hun." Jungkook sat next to him, sizzling with jealousy. "I don't think Jungkook appreciated that." Jimin laughed, looking at Jungkook's face.

"He's just salty his is small."

"It grew!"

"Not by much bub."

"Okay TMI. Let's stop the dick talk." Yoongi cut everyone off. "No let's continue the dick talk, have you gotten Hoseok's dick yet?"

"He said enough dick talk." Taehyung cut them off again, a subtle glare on his face. "Thank you Tae. We were talking about something important."

"Were we?" Jimin questioned, Namjoon leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Oh yeah we were! So what will we do about Hobi's awful parents?"


"Hi ma'am." Seokjin smiled kindly, only for the door to get shut in his face. Seokjin turned to them. "Okay, if the police gets called, distract them."

"What are you going to d-" Before Jimin could even finish his sentence is when Seokjin had already climbed through an open window. "Break in." Jungkook stated, watching his boyfriend yell at Hoseok's parents. "Why did we send Jin in again?" Taehyung watched the whole commotion going on.

"He can handle getting screamed at, that's why."



"YOU KNOW WHAT'S DISGUSTING? OLD PEOPLE FUCKING, BUT YOU STILL DO THAT DON'T YOU!?" They faced each other off before Hoseok came downstairs after hearing all the yelling. "Seokjin what are you doing here?"

"Yelling some sense in your parents heads!"  Hoseok pulled Seokjin to the side. "Please stop." He whispered, taking Seokjin by suprise. "What? Why?"

"I don't want to piss them off even more." Seokjin glared over at Hoseok's parents before looking back at Hoseok. "Pack your stuff."


"Pack your stuff, you're staying with me. I won't allow you to live like this!" Hoseok looked at his parents who were rather unbothered by it.

Hoseok quickly ran upstairs to get packed while Seokjin was still glaring at them downstairs and the rest of the boys were anxiously waiting outside. Hoseok came back with a big suitcase and a bag on his back, sadly looking at his parents. "You're no longer our son, might as well change your name to Kim Hoseok." His father sneered. Seokjin's eyes darkened even more before he lunched forward, taking Hoseok's father down.


Jungkook looked inside, hearing a lot of ruckus but seeing none of it. "Ah shit, here we go again." Jungkook sighed and climbed through the window as well, the others shortly followed suit. There they saw Seokjin punchin Hoseok's father while his mother was smacking his back with her handbag. "I'm going to call the police!" She screeched. Jungkook walked over and together with Namjoon they finally managed to rip Seokjin off of Hoseok's father.

Hoseok's mother looked around the room before her eyes fell on Yoongi. "You! You are the reason he is like this!" She stormed at him to yell in his face. Taehyung made a barrier between them and pushed the angry lady back. "Do not speak to him like that. Your son was gay long before he met him." He scoffed. "Nonsense! You'll burn in hell! Every single one of you!"

"You're not even religious." Jimin gave her a disgusted look, making Hoseok's mom even angrier. "GET OUT." Everyone quickly scurried away. Seokjin protectively linking his arm with Hoseok's and guiding him away.


"Unbelievable. Absolutely disgusting. Hold on let me go back so I can punch your mom this time-" Hoseok pulled Seokjin back. "Don't."

"Hobi why did you never tell us about this? We could've helped you a long time ago."

"I just held onto the little bit of hope that they might accept me I guess."

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