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"Even the nicest people have their limits. It's called Crying. Once done crying, they get back to being nice and ready to be violated again."

Nitya Prakash


"I can't believe the week is already over."

"...Jungkook we're already sitting at school."

"I know. I just can't believe it." Everyone looked at each other before Jimin patted Jungkook's back. "Oh Jin, did Jungkook tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"We know you two are back together." Seokjin slowly turned to look at Jungkook. "They found out by themsel-"

"Can you EVER keep your mouth shut?" Jungkook panicked. "I did! They looked at my ph-"

"I can NOT believe you Jungkook. Don't talk to me." Seokjin stood up from his chair and slung his bag around his shoulder. "But we have class together next hour- Jin!" Jungkook quickly grabbed his bag and ran behind Seokjin. "...So they were back together?"

"Oh right, you two weren't there." Jimin filled the two boys in about what had happened last week until Namjoon was brought up. "Oh and Joonie-"


"Just kinda-"


"And then-"


"So like-"


"We kissed."


"Right Joonie?" Namjoon sat with two hands in his hair. "There's something called, oversharing. Maybe you should look into it." Hoseok sighed, knowing damn well where Jimin would take it. "How is it oversharing? It was just a kiss."

"A kiss I would like to erase."

"You agreed to it."

"So what I'm understanding now is.... That basically the only ones left being not romantically involved with each other is us three?" Taehyung looked confused. Hoseok scratched the back of his ear, looking away. Taehyung looked at Yoongi who was opening and closing his mouth trying to find an excuse. "Yoongi are you kidding me?"

"I just-"

"You have enough going on and you decide this is the time to date? Unbelievable." Hoseok didn't get it, why would Taehyung be so opposed against it? Is he against people with mental illnesses dating or is something else going on that Hoseok doesn't know about?

"Tae." Taehyung shook his head and left the table, awkward silence replacing the once chaotic group. "....So a double date?"

"Jimin." All three of them said at the same time, Jimin quickly shut up.


"Guys! Look at my drawing!" They were sitting at music class and Hoseok had drawn a happy sunflower. "It's really pretty Hobi." Jimin smiled, however the rest of the group was looking gloom. "Boys! Vacation is just over, why is everyone looking so sad?" Their music teacher Mr Lee was a happy elderly man, always trying to motivate his students. "Sometimes, people have problems, sir." Seokjin snapped, but added sir to not get into trouble. "But the key to that is to cheer up and fix the problem at hand!"

"You can't really cheer up if the problem has been sitting next to you the whole entire day." Seokjin glared at Jungkook who was just staring out in front of him with a sulken expression. "Oh oh, friendship problems." The teacher laughed, knowing that his buddies used to just beat each other up when he was young. "Well glad you aren't beating the problem then."

"I wish I could but then he just starts screaming abusive relationship."

"Because that's literally what it-"

"Shut up." Jungkook immediately closed his mouth, looking like a kicked puppy. "Oh, relationship issues. Yeah that's why I didn't marry. Didn't like those either." He patted Seokjin on the back before going to the front of the class to do his job.


"Taehyung please stop walking so fast." Taehyung huffed before slowing his pace. "Why are you so upset?"

"Yoongi. Do I need to remind you about what happened last time you were in a relationship?" Yoongi bit his lower lip and fumbled with his sleeve. "Well I know, but Hoseok offered to help-"

"Of course he did! To give you false hope, use you to do whatever he wants and leave you more broken then before!"

"Hoseok isn't like that." Taehyung stared Yoongi down. "A man that always has a smile plastered on his face has a lot of secrets that you do not want to know."

"You smile a lot as well!" Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "Right, because this face is really a smile. Hoseok's face almost never falters. He's nice, but we don't know him like that. It seems that his friends barely know him." Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's shoulders. "Are you really going to risk all your progress for a boy?"

"I trust him." Taehyung sighed, dropping his hands. "Fine. Trust him. But I'm warning you Yoongi, not all nice guys end up nice."

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