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"First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you."

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald


Jungkook stumbled over towards Seokjin, grabbing his shoulders. "What's up Kook?" Seokjin turned to Jungkook who had his head hung low. "Jungkook?" Seokjin snapped his fingers in front of Jungkook's face but got no response. He sighed and grabbed Jungkook's chin, forcing the boy to look at him. "...We promised each other not to get drunk."

"I..... forgot?" Seokjin excused himself from the group, pulling Jungkook along. "Ooohh are we going to makeout?" Jungkook pursed his lips and leaned in, Seokjin pushed his face to the side and pulled him outside. "Hmmm I'm not really up for outdoors sex let's go back in-" Seokjin pulled him back and sat him down on a bench next to the door. "Jungkook I don't find this very funny." Jungkook looked up at the pissed off Seokjin. "Sorry?" Seokjin sighed, looking away from his boyfriend. "Stay here while I get a taxi to bring you home."

"And what if I don't?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes, challenging Seokjin. "Then no kisses for you anymore." Jungkook gasped, before quickly leaning back onto the bench. Seokjin rolled his eyes before looking at the on coming traffic, waving down a taxi and talking to the chauffeur.

Seokjin waved Jungkook over who clumsily stumbled his way to the car. Seokjin helped Jungkook in and strapped his seatbelt. Jungkook grabbed Seokjin's wrist. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Home. We have to go two different ways." Seokjin freed his arm from Jungkook's wrist. "But- you promised..."

"Promises went flying out the door tonight didn't they?" Jungkook pouted. "Go home and sleep, big baby." Seokjin gave Jungkook a quick peck before he closed the door and told the driver to start driving. Jungkook dramatically put his hand on the window while the car drove away.


"Lookie lookie, It's Hobi." Jimin said while Hoseok stepped onto the bus. "How was the party?" Hoseok asked with a smile.

"Awful." Seokjin frowned.

"Great." Jimin swooned. Hoseok looked weirdly in between each other and looked at Seokjin. "What happened?"

"Jungkook got his hands on alcohol and drank his last functioning brain cell away." Hoseok tried his best not to laugh while Jimin just laughed in his face. Seokjin reached to the back and smacked Jimin's arm. "Good news, he got so blasted that he is still sick today so I won't have to deal with his ass just yet." Hoseok giggled before looking over at Jimin. "What was so good that made you talk like that?"

"Guessing he and Namjoon were nowhere to be found the whole entire night, I'm guessing he's the answer." Jimin awkwardly cleared his throat. "What? You're not going to talk about how big his dick is or something?" Seokjin looked back at Jimin who was awfully quiet. "I promised not to overshare." Seokjin and Hoseok exchanged glances. "I give him till lunch." Hoseok said, Seokjin nodding in agreement. Right on that moment they stopped at Namjoon's halt and the tall boy stepped in. "How's it going loverboy?" Namjoon looked strangely at the grinning Seokjin.

"What?" Seokjin wiggled his brows. "Soooo... How was Jimin?" Namjoon gave Jimin a sideways glance. "Oh don't get angry at him. I figured it out myself. His sudden silence just confirmed it." Namjoon sighed heavily, you can't hide anything from them. "You don't mind?" Jimin asked, looking at Seokjin.

"Why would I mind?"

"Because he's your crush." Seokjin puffed. "You really think I'm still busy swooning over Namjoon when I have a dumbass boyfriend who keeps annoying me?"



The four of them walked into the cafeteria where Taehyung and Yoongi were already waiting for them. "Hi!" Jimin plopped down in the chair next to Taehyung, smiling at his friend. Seokjin and Namjoon took a seat next to each other while Hoseok sat down next to Yoongi. Taehyung looked in between Yoongi and Hoseok and sneered.

"I'm gone for a night and I immediately miss everything? What's going on?" Yoongi looked up, shocked. "Oh uhm. Hoseok and I started dating." Jimin jumped up from joy. "FUCKING FINALLY!" Taehyung glared up at Jimin which made him settle down. "Congrats. Just, Hobi... Boyfriend's can be giant dumbasses, just so you know." Hoseok laughed and nodded. "I know, you say that enough."

"Thanks." Yoongi said in a monotonous voice. Making the group laugh at his demise. "Where's buff boy?" Taehyung asked, noticing the empty seat. "Sick." Seokjin answered before his phone dinged. "I never get left alone jesus."

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