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"And I knew that tone, the pleading, the fear that was sitting like a spiked ball in his chest. He'd been left behind too, maybe more than I had."

Lili St. Crow


"It's dark and you guys want to head into the haunted house NOW? Who's genius idea was that!?" Seokjin complained. "Jungkook's." Everyone immediately blamed him. "Of fucking course it is." Seokjin removed his hand from Jungkook's grip. "I'll be next to you the whole time!" Jungkook wrapped his arm around Seokjin. "To join the characters in scaring the living shit outta me yeah." Seokjin neck sliced Jungkook before linking his arm with Namjoon. "I have upgraded to Namjoon's leech."

"That's... That's an upgrade?"

"Everything is better than being the boyfriend of that thing."

"But you came back anyway so who's the loser here?" Jungkook challenged. "YOU WHEN I DUMP YOUR ASS."

"No baby please don't." Yoongi tried his best to hide his laughter. The sudden change from macho man to innocent baby was too funny. Jimin tightly squeezed his lips to avoid a laugh from slipping out  as well. "We're here." Taehyung announced, looking up at the scary looking building. He unconsciously clamped Hayun's arm before Jungkook excitedly walked in first.

"Here goes nothing." Jimin gulped before they all walked in.


"HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT." Seokjin screamed, hiding behind Namjoon.

"SON OF AN ASS." Jimin screamed after that, also hiding behind Namjoon. "Oh am I your shield now?"

"YES." Hoseok kept jumping back and just incoherently screaming while getting scared. He had already fallen to the ground quite a few times. Suddenly a very high pitched scream was heard, everyone froze in their tracks. Hayun cleared his throat. "Sorry." Taehyung gave him an amused glance before looking back. "Hobi, Where's Yoongi?" Hoseok looked behind him only to get greeted by a black void. Taehyung immediately let go of Hayun's arm, sprinting back. "YOONGI!? BABY WHERE ARE YOU?"

"How did you lose him?" Jimin questioned before getting scared by the same character. "I- was scared... and... one moment he was behind me and the other moment he..."



"Sorry." Jungkook had heard the commotion going on and ran back as well. "What happened?"

"We lost Yoongi."

"You lost- Couldn't you have lost him instead?" Jungkook dramatically pointed at Seokjin. "Okay damn, let's break u-"

"No just kidding, love you mwah mwah." Jungkook shot some fingerguns at Seokjin before walking back as well. "Hobi follow them!"

"...I'm too scared." Jimin raised his brow, ready to go off when yet again the same character scared him. "ALRIGHT LET'S KEEP IT MOVING AND MEET THEM OUTSIDE YEAH?"


Hoseok paced back and fort, anxiously waiting for the three to come out of the house. They were in the middle of the house when it all went down, it could take a long time before Yoongi is back.

"I feel so bad, I shouldn't have been such a whimp-" Seokjin patted Hoseok's shoulder. "It's fine Hobi, everyone here except Namjoon is a whimp." During the rest of the house they had pushed Namjoon foreward to keep getting faced by the jump scares, however the 'entourage' was always the ones screaming.

Hayun looked up at the house before turning to the group. "So I'm guessing Taehyung is protective over Yoongi yeah?"

"Yup. Still have to figure out if it's in a brother or mother kind of way." Jimin answered. "Definitely mother." Seokjin confirmed. "Most definitely mother." Namjoon agreed.

After 20 minutes of waiting Hoseok finally saw the three of them exiting the haunted house, letting out a breath of relief. "Oh my god I'm so glad you got out I was so wor-"

"We'll be going home now. Thanks for joining me here guys." Taehyung had his arm tightly around Yoongi who held his head low.

"Do you want me to help you get h-"

"You've done enough Hoseok." Taehyung snarled before quickly leaving. "I'll go home too, great getting to know you guys." Hayun waved everyone goodbye, they were polite and waved back but all just stared in silence. "Don't worry Hobi, I'm sure Yoongi didn't take it to heart." Namjoon layed his hand on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok sighed, wiping Namjoon's hand off of him. "I'll- I'll go for a walk I think." Hoseok grabbed the giant puppy before walking off.

"...So.... Cotton candy?"



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