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"The way he looked at you. I got it then. He loved you, and it was killing him."

Cassandra Clare

[Stan Shadowhunters for clear skin]


"....So who snitched on us that they knew we were there?" Everyone shrugged. Their punishment was to decorate the gym for the upcoming basketball match. They always made a big deal to start and close with a banger.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were assigned to painting the banners, Yoongi and Namjoon were pumping up all the balloons and Hoseok and Seokjin were responsible for hanging it all up. Of course there were more in the gym hall, but no one really did anything until a teacher showed up to check in with them.

"These stupid good for nothing bitches have to start actually doing something." Seokjin grumbled, taking one of the balloon statues Namjoon made. "Looks amazing."

"You think so? I tried really hard- stop looking at my chest."

"Just appreciating art when I see it." Seokjin lifted it up and placed it on one side of the entrance. "Looking cute Joonie!"

"Stop talking about me and start talking about the things I make."

"Whatever you say booboo!" Seokjin angled the statue in the right way before stepping away to approve of it. "It looks good there Jin." Jungkook had looked up for a second to see what everyone was up to. "Considering you like it- I will change it."

"Are you questioning my taste?"

"Yea- now wait a diddly darn second. What are you implying with that?" Jungkook grinned, a playful look in his eyes. "I think we both know what I was implying." Seokjin narrowed his eyes. "Hoseok. You're doing the statues."

"It looks nice th-"

"Change it." Hoseok stood up and angled the statue slightly more to the right. "Perfect." Seokjin stated, dusting his hands off. "The banner is ready." Taehyung stated, looking at the banner with satisfaction. "Are the corners dry?" Jimin tapped the corners and checked his fingers. "Yup." Seokjin went to prop up the ladders while Hoseok came to look at the banner. "Wooowwww That looks amazing guys!" Hoseok clapped his hands, a few classmates unknowingly doing the same.

Seokjin walked towards them. "Jimin and Taehyung did great, Jungkook's work is trash."

"You don't even know what I made."

"Doesn't matter." The rest joined as well, looking at the banner and being in awe. "Okay, Hobi, Jin, go hang it up." Both Seokjin and Hoseok grabbed a corner and walked towards the ladder. "We'll go clean our hand, Joonie and Yoongi can you go hold the ladders?"


Once the three boys returned everyone was still bickering about when it would hang straight. "Hoseok it's fine like that." Yoongi reassured, holding onto the ladder with dear life. Hoseok pinned it down, before looking over at the still bickering Seokjin and Namjoon.

"Jin you have to go a bit to the left."

"I will fall if I go a bit to the left." Namjoon sighed, momentarily letting go off the ladder to wipe the hair out of his eyes. "Just try." Seokjin shrugged before leaning to the left. "No not now-" Namjoon reached out to try and stabilize the ladder again but it was too late, Seokjin tumbled down the ladder. "Fuck." Namjoon cursed, quickly laying down the ladder while Hoseok tried to quickly but carefully go down the ladder. However no one was quicker at Seokjin's side then Jeon Jungkook. The boy had started sprinting when he saw the ladder tumbling down and was already there when Seokjin just hit the ground.

"Can we move him? Jin can you feel your hands and feet? Does your neck or back hurt?"

"Everything fucking hurts."

"He can curse, just lift him." Jimin said when he had joined the group around Seokjin. Hoseok had finally made his way down the ladder, looking down at Seokjin laying on the floor and Jungkook sitting next to him. Worry was evident on his face. Seokjin tried to sit up but Jungkook layed him back down. "Don't, it might cause a trauma. Someone call the ambulance!"

Taehyung pulled out his phone and started dialing. Meanwhile Jimin had returned with a teacher who sent everyone home except their little group. "Seokjin how are you?"

"In pain." Namjoon crouched down next to Seokjin. "I'm so sorry for letting go of the ladder, I should've warned you-"

"Yeah you should've." Jungkook spat angrily, glaring a hole through Namjoon. "Jungkookie calm down." Jimin grabbed Jungkook's shoulders to calm him down. "No I won't! He could be paralyzed for all we know." Tears build up in Jungkook's eyes before he blinked them away. Seokjin squeezed Jungkook's hand. "You are more worried about me than I am. You sure you don't love me?" Seokjin joked, but Jungkook had a sudden flash of shock on his face before he glared down at him. "Fuck off. I'd be worried for everyone that goes crashing down a fucking ladder."

"I get that this is stressful, but watch your language." The teacher warned. Yoongi just kinda stood on the side, not sure what he had to do or say to make this situation better. "Don't worry, you don't need to do anything." Hoseok reassured him when he saw Yoongi's facial expression.

The paramedics arrived with a stroller and a neck brace. Checking Seokjin's situation before they decide to strap him in just to be sure. "Can I join? I can contact his family on the way there." Jungkook offered, the paramedics gratefully went with Jungkook's offer and so both of them disappeared into the ambulance.

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