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A/N Sorry, I am sick and so forgot to update.

I did the covid test but it came out negative so at least that's good. :)


"You kicked my dick out of the house. You made my dick homeless. And out of doors is a place where penises dont generally fare well. So my homeless dick now must seek shelter where and whence it can. "

Hank Moody


Taehyung was finally discharged from the hospital, he wasn't allowed to go back to school for at least a week and then slowly had to build up the hours. However, Yoongi couldn't be happier that Taehyung would return back home alive and well.

They had showed up at the door, Taehyung slowly making his way out with the help of a nurse. His face immediately shifted to a smile when he saw Yoongi. "Glad I'm going home?"

"Very glad." He said, tears threatening to spill. "Don't cry my baby." Taehyung reached out, holding onto Yoongi for support before pulling him in a warm embrace. "Watch the neck." Taehyung warned.

"Yes of course, sorry." Yoongi pulled back and softly sniffled.


"How are you still fine? You almost died." Yoongi wondered aloud when he saw Taehyung with a smile on his face. "A therapist visited me almost everyday when I was in the hospital. Plus, how can't I be happy knowing so many people care about me."

"Of course people care about you! You're Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi exclaimed. "Same can be said to you." Taehyung said, giving Yoongi a knowing look. "I just feel pathetic dwelling on my problems while you're out there living like nothing happened.

"Yoongi." Taehyung put up a stern tone, that meant business. "You got mentally tortured for YEARS, you can't compare that with a physical attack. I did what I had to do, protect you, that's why I am fine." Yoongi lowered his gaze, trying to bite back the tears. "C'mere" Taehyung beckoned Yoongi over to the couch. "No, you should be recovering, not dealing with my issues."

"I said come here you brat, I have needs to." Yoongi sighed, getting up from his chair and sat down next to Taehyung. He snuggled up to Yoongi, sighing in content. "Wrap your arms around me dumbass." Yoongi did what he was told, holding Taehyung like he was made of glass.


"Jimin?" Jimin heard his mother's voice from upstairs. "Yes?" He heard footsteps down the stairs before he was faced with his mother.

"What is this?" She held out a box that she had hidden behind her back.

"A box." Oh-




"I meant.... What's inside the box." Jimin awkwardly shifted in his seat. "Don't I deserve me time?" His mother pulled a disgusted face before putting the box down. "Okay but why the fancy webcam?" His mother was onto him, she was so onto him. "....The best quality for Joonie."


"What?" Jimin tried acting as innocent as possible. "The box, the webcam, the unexplainable amount of money. Park Jimin, I may be old but I am not stupid." Jimin pursed his lips, avoiding eye contact. "Never said you were."

"Stop this. Right now."


"What do you mean no!? I am your MOTHER and I will not allow you to sell your body like that for some paper!" Jimin huffed. "I did this for you."

"This is the last thing I wanted you to do! When you said I wouldn't be proud of you I thought you were out and about fishing for money in dumpsters or something! Not being a sex worker! You are 17! This is highly illegal!" Jimin crossed his arms and pouted. "You sound like Namjoon." He murmured under his breath. "...Namjoon knows?"

"He's been wanting me to stop, I didn't listen. I amped up my security recently because of him." Jimin's mother mirrored Jimin and crossed her arms. "At least someone has common sense then."


"I'm getting rid of everything."

"Don't you dare to get rid of the toys." Jimin  pointed to the box. "I'm getting rid of the toys." She stated, glaring at Jimin.

"Mom no! I like those!"

"No Jimin."

"Want me to catch an std instead then?" Jimin threatened. "Namjoon won't have an std."

"I'll find a way, mother." She sighed, throwing the box at it him. "...Fine you can keep the toys, pervert." Jimin calmly stood up, walking past his mother before bolting upstairs and locking the door. "PARK JIMIN!"


"She... She kicked you out?" Namjoon looked at Jimin that was sitting next to several boxes and a lot of suitcases. "Yup."


"She found out about my dirty little secret." Namjoon sighed, already knowing which direction this story will go. "Let me guess, you refused to stop?" Jimin looked up at his boyfriend and nodded. "I am earning enough money to live alone anyway."

"Then what are you..."

"I'm going to rent an apartment... Granted it's a little further away from school, but I can handle it." Namjoon hoisted Jimin of the ground. "Are you sure you can't just... stop?"


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