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"Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off. "

Haruki Murakami


"How was it when you left me yesterday? TRAITOR!" Jimin punched Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok rubbed his shoulder and smiled. "It was fun, Tae had to leave early though."

"I saw him running covered in grass stains, I wanted to say something but it was just way too funny." Jimin admitted, thinking back to yesterday and snickering again.

They walked onto the courtyard, spotting Taehyung and Yoongi already sitting on one of the benches. Hoseok and Jimin walked over to them and sat down. "Got the job Tae?"

"Why did none of you tell me?" Jimin snickered and Hoseok put up an innocent smile. "Tell you about what?"

"Do NOT act innocent with me Hobi!" Taehyung glared him down. "Okay sorry sorry, we thought you would notice."

"HELP. HE'S TRYING TO MURDER ME." They all looked up and saw that Jungkook had let go of the wheelchair on the top of the hill, laughing his ass off. Seokjin was screaming his lungs out while everyone tried dodging the raging wheelchair. Then out of nowhere the knight in shining armor showed up, stopping the wheelchair and making sure Seokjin didn't fall out. Seokjin opened his eyes to see who is savior was. "Joonie!" Namjoon rolled the wheelchair down to the courtyard. "Did you guys see that!? Joonie saved my life!" Jimin softly smiled. "Yeah Jinnie, we saw it."

"Joonie give me a hug."

"No thanks."

"HUG." Namjoon sighed before leaning down and hugging Seokjin. Seokjin pulled him closer and kissed his cheek, Namjoon immediately pulled back with a frown. "Ha ha, got ya." Jungkook finally joined the group, Seokjin's mood immediately changing. "Hello, murderer." Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat down. "You got to school a lot quicker than I did so I don't know why you're complaining."

"CLASS IS STARTING!" Taehyung jumped up and grabbed Seokjin's wheelchair, sprinting towards their classroom. "Oh shit, we have English." Jungkook quickly sprinted after Seokjin and Taehyung, trying to be on time. Their teacher wasn't very lenient on people that got in late.

"Time for the radio Joon." Jimin grabbed Namjoon's arm and pulled him along to the studio. "Ready for history?" Hoseok smiled, looking at Yoongi. "Yeah." Yoongi stood up and avoided Hoseok's gaze, starting to walk to class. Hoseok quickly caught up and grabbed Yoongi's hand. Yoongi looked down at their hands before quickly looking to the ground again. Hoseok was confused by Yoongi's sudden change in behavior but decided that he wouldn't push it.


"It's pizza day!"

"Jimin it's not pizza day."

"It's always pizza day, today however it's disguised as a sandwich."

Namjoon's sigh could even be heard through the microphone, everyone in the classroom softly snickered. "Okay enough of that." Mr. Jeong shut the speakers off, letting out a sigh.

"I know it's early on in the year, but I don't want you guys getting busy with multiple projects all at the same time so I'm assigning mine now." Mr. Jeong grabbed multiple papers from his desk and handed it to a student. "Pass these down."

"You'll have to research an historic character, doesn't matter if they are very known or not just make sure there is enough material to work with. Once you chose someone make a few questions that you are planning to answer in your essay. When I give you the green light you can start researching. I want you to write at least 5 pages of information, don't make the letter size bigger than 12." Mr. Jeong made eyecontact with a few students in the class. "Also, this is a duo project. Please choose someone you can work well with and not just your friend." Hoseok looked over at Yoongi, pointing his finger in between them. Yoongi nodded and stuck his thumb up, he got the message.

Hope | YoonseokWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt