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"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin


Hoseok went along greeting people with a smile and a pat on the back. However that pat was just him putting a sticker on people's backs. "Yeah yeah, nice party huh?" Hoseok smiled, dancing through the crowd before greeting someone else.

Yoongi's technique was pretending like he needed to get through the crowd, sticking a sticker on everyone who he needed to pass. Everyone seemed unfazed by it, considering how busy the party was.

Jungkook took the aggressive approach, scaring the shit out of people while sticking a sticker. That way they were way too distracted with their fear than a sticker.

Seokjin went around acting like he was drunk, basically touching and acting friendly with everyone in his path. Slurring his words and sticking a sticker when he accidentally tripped and needed to catch himself on someone.

Yoongi was the first one back at the table before Seokjin joined who cursed that he didn't win. "I WAS SO CLOSE!" Hoseok came back at the same time as Jungkook who both sighed in defeat. "I'm going to drink my sorrow away." Seokjin said before leaving the table to go down some wine.

Jungkook had decided to join Namjoon's team for another round of wine pong, the match immediately getting heated. Taehyung had returned from his little game all giggly. "Enjoyed kissing people?" Taehyung giggled before nodding. "Serotonin overload. I met some cute people."

"Who?" Yoongi looked at the little circle gathered at the giant wine bottle. "That boy dressed as a biker.... oh and that girl in the catwoman suit!"

"Tae I think you have something for leather." Hoseok laughed. Taehyung turned around and pointed his finger at Hoseok. "You sir, are very correct."

"Did you drink?" Taehyung snuggled up to Yoongi. "A lil." Yoongi sighed, patting Taehyung's head. "I'm going to make some moves-" Taehyung slipped out of Yoongi's grip and joined the little circle again. Yoongi smiled awkwardly at Hoseok before slipping through the crowd, getting out of Hoseok's field of vision. Hoseok looked around before he spotted Jimin at the kitchen counter, talking with some friends of Junho. Hoseok tapped on Jimin's shoulder, who looked back and linked his arm with Hoseok's. "This is my dear friend Hoseok. He's like the sun." Jimin smiled, praising Hoseok in every way he could. "Is your whole friendgroup gay or something?" Jimin giggled. "Pretty much so, yeah." The girls around them whispered before one of them spoke up. "So everyone fucked each other?" Jimin pulled a disgusted face. "Please, do not fetishize us gays. And no not everyone, some of us have standards." Hoseok looked around the group of people and kindly smiled at them before slipping away. He needs to dance a little bit and surprise surprise, Seokjin was in the middle dancing like a maniac. Hoseok laughed before joining the middle. In comparisment to Seokjin he actually has dance training. Everyone looked in awe at Hoseok before laughing again at Seokjin who had embodied his Willy Wonka costume.


Hoseok left the dance circle, he only had a small glass of wine so he very much still smelled all the sweat and alcohol. He made his way to the little garden in the back, there were people but most of them were sober and just taking a break from the crowd. Hoseok saw Yoongi chilling on a bench, a glass of wine in his hand and staring up at the stars. "Seat taken?" Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts before allowing Hoseok to sit down. "Also needed a breather?" Yoongi hummed in agreement, his alcohol tolerance was high which meant he saw everyone slowly getting drunk. "I wonder what school will do about this."

"It seems like an innocent party from the outside so I think we're fine." Hoseok chuckled and nodded before he thought about something. "I've been meaning to ask..." Yoongi looked at Hoseok with a raised brow. "Did I do or say something wrong?" Yoongi looked confused. "No, why?"

"When I visited your home like a month ago, your behavior suddenly changed. Did I make you uncomfortable?" Yoongi averted his gaze to his wineglass, circling the liquid within. "Don't worry about it."

"Yoongi, I told you that you can tell me anything. If I crossed a line just tell me."

"You- ...did nothing wrong."  Hoseok shifted in his seat, facing Yoongi a little more. "Then what is it?" Yoongi opened his mouth before closing it again. "Well? I won't be upset by anything you tell me." Yoongi attached the wineglass to his lips, gulping every little drop of the fancy liquid down. "Promise me you won't abandon me after I tell you this?" Hoseok nodded, grabbing Yoongi's hand. Yoongi leaned in closer. His breath hit the shell of Hoseok's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

"I like you."

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