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"Dating someone on the opposite end of the happy spectrum teaches you an incredible amount of patience."

Chris Pine


Hoseok checked his reflection in the window of a car before walking up to the door. He was dressed to impress, but Yoongi can't know that. He rang the bell to Yoongi's house before a scary looking man opened the door, must be Yoongi's father. He squinted his eyes, looking at Hoseok. "Hi! I'm Hoseok. Is Yoongi here? I promised I would take him on a celebratory dinner." The man looked sceptical before turning his head back in the house.

"Yoongi! A boy's whose name I forgot is standing at the door for you!" He turned back to Hoseok before scanning him up and down. "What are you trying to get out of my son?" Hoseok nervously laughed. "Nothing sir."

"Right, in case you do end up dating him... I will snap you like a twig if you dare to hurt him. Understood?" Hoseok gulped before puting his infamous smile on. "Of course." Yoongi slipped out next to his father. "Ready?" Hoseok smiled before beckoning Yoongi to follow him. "I'm sorry if my father said something dumb."

"Oh, don't worry about it." When they were finally out of Yoongi's father field of vision is when Hoseok dared to link their arms. "I hope you like Italian." Yoongi smiled happily. "I love Italian food."

"Good!" Hoseok totally knew that, he had subtly interrogated Taehyung about it when Yoongi was in the bathroom during lunch.


They arrived and Yoongi looked around in awe. "No this is way too expensive, let's split the bill." Hoseok shook his head. "You paid for my ice cream a week ago, remember?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes. "How is a dinner and ice cream comparable?" Hoseok shrugged. "It's the thought that counts."


"I refuse to believe that." Yoongi laughed, his eyes twinkling and his beautiful gummy smile on display. "It's true! I had to ask the store manager if they could call over my mom." Hoseok laughed while thinking about how his mom lost him last year. Yoongi smiled, looking at Hoseok with endearing eyes, making him gulp. "I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Hoseok excused himself. "Oh- okay." Yoongi just picked up his drink and took a sip.

How does he look hot doing th- bad Hoseok. You're staring. Hoseok quickly walked to the bathroom, dialing the only number he could think of.


"Help, I've fallen and I can't get up."

"Oh my god, Hobi where are you?"

"Not literally Jimin!"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know if I like him of if I like him because I'm maybe unconsciously forcing myself to like him because he likes me and you are constantly pushing me to make a move and-"

"Hobi calm down. Forget everything that I've said about this topic. Think about you and Yoongi and decide for yourself. Live in the moment and you'll know."

"...You sure?"


"Okay... Okay, I'll go back in."

"Bye, good luck!"


Hoseok hung up before opening the door and seeing Yoongi sit there in the dim lights, his earrings twinkling in the light of the candle while he sits there oh so elegantly- He's not ready to go back in. Hoseok immediately closed the door again, looking at his own reflection in the mirror and splashing his face with water. He looked back up and saw someone behind him, Hoseok let out a loud scream and fell to the ground. This is how people die in horror movies. "Yo dude I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Hoseok took in a deep breath before getting helped up by the stranger. "Nervous? A hot date waiting for you?" Hoseok looked warily around him before facing the stranger. "Yeah."

"Nice dude! Who is it? The blonde babe in the red dress?"

"Uhm, no not exactly."

"Then it must be the brunette in the suit!"

"No, no. The one with black hair and dangly earrings." The stranger looked confused before peaking to see who Hoseok was talking about. "I don't see anyone who fits that description expect the- ooohhh You're into dudes. My bad."

"Good luck bro." The man gave Hoseok a typical bro-hug before he went into one of the stalls. Hoseok took a deep breath before walking back in.

"Fell in or something? You were in there for a long time." Yoongi laughed, pointing at the food that had already been served. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Yoongi shrugged, brushing it off like Hoseok didn't just leave him alone for a solid 20 minutes.

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