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"That casual kiss on my cheek would have meant nothing up until recently, I realized I was in love with him. Not that, 'I love you, man,' type of love. Nope. I was ass over teacup in love with my best friend. The 'let's get married and grow old together' type of love."

Summer Michaels


"And we chilling bitches." Jungkook kicked his feet back on the table, only for the teacher to wipe them back off. "You should know better than mess with Mrs Choi." Namjoon laughed, patting Jungkook on the shoulder. "It suprises me she didn't send you out after cursing." Jimin was baffled, last time Jimin walked in the class yelling 'I have arrived hoes' he immediately got sent back out.

"The teachers evaluated how you guys have worked in Semester 1, some of you really need to start working harder if you want to make it to your senior year." She scanned over the class who had all fallen silent. "I will now reveal the top 3 in the class how it usually goes."

"Number 3 Sung Hyebin." Hyebin stood up and shyly bowed to her classmates while they clapped. "Number 2 Kim Namjoon."

"What!? Who overtook me?" Namjoon had been at the top since elementary school, he couldn't believe that someone had surpassed him. "Namjoon, settle down." Mrs Choi warned, giving him a glare. Namjoon grumpily bowed before sitting down with a huff.

"Number 1 Kim Seokjin." Seokjin jumped up, cheering loudly, everyone was in shock. "What!? How!?"

"Namjoon. Settle down."

"Ma'am! He's a dumbass! You know that just as well as I do!" Seokjin laughed, clapping in his hands. Jungkook's mouth stood agape while a puzzled look washed over his face. Mrs Choi shrugged, letting Seokjin do his bow before he sat down.

"Seokjin how in the-"

"Everyone felt bad for me after my injury and gave me their notes. I used it to study, you'll be back on top next Semester." Namjoon's mouth immediately shut, even he remembered giving Seokjin his own notes when he had returned to school. "Who's notes did you get?"

"Yours, Hyebin's, Hobi's and Jungkook's but I didn't use those."


"You write like crows with ink on their feet danced on the paper."

"That is so not true." The two bickered with each other in a whisper tone to not piss off Mrs Choi. Hoseok and Yoongi exhanged a look with each other, trying to hide their smiles. "That's not going to be us right?" Hoseok whispered. "Hope not." Yoongi answered back in a whisper tone. The two softly giggled before Taehyung pushed their faces apart. "She's looking." Mrs Choi was glaring the two down before continuing to tell the class about other announcements.


"I have a great plan for this weekend." Taehyung smiled when they all walked out of their school to go back home. "What is it?"

"There's a fair happening. They have a few rollercoasters, fun little games, even a haunted house. Come on it will be so fun." The group all looked at each other before agreeing to it. "Sounds fun." Taehyung stuck up his hand, halting everyone once more. "Can I bring Hayun to make it even?"

"Hayun?" Even Yoongi seemed confused at the mention of that name. "Biker boy! From the halloween party! It would be easiest if we go with an even number."

"That won't be a problem." Namjoon said, the rest of the group silently agreeing. "Do make a groupchat of us with him in it so we can at least get to know him a little before we go." Taehyung nodded and smiled, linking his arm with Yoongi's. "That's settled then. See you all tomorrow!"


Jimin slammed his bag on the table, getting his homework out. "Thank you that you wanted to help me. Math has been a bitch lately."

"No problem, that's what friends are for right?" Namjoon smiled, flashing his dimples. "Right, but I won't be able to help you with your homework, you're way smarter." Namjoon laughed while Jimin walked over towards the kitchen. "Want something to drink?"

"Water is fine." Namjoon answered while laying everything out on the table. Jimin shrugged and grabbed two bottles of water. He threw them down on the table, earning a sideway glare from Namjoon who quickly put them back up. Jimin sat down on his seat while Namjoon carefully went over the topics.

Jimin concentrated as much as he could but would sometimes get distracted by Namjoon's big hands or just simply the wall. "Jimin." Jimin snapped out of his daze, smiling sweetly. "Where did you stop paying attention."

"Previous page." Namjoon went back to the previous page. He was carefully explaining it again and sometimes looked up to see if Jimin's attention span had ran out or not. At this point they had moved to the few excercises Jimin still had to do to finish his homework for the week. Which were quickly solved by the fact that Jimin didn't constantly needed to grab his calculator for simple equations because Namjoon already gave him the answer. "Wow, my homework has never been so easy. Thank you Joonie." Namjoon hummed and took a sip of his water.

Jimin cleared the table before smacking a bag of chips down. "Wow, I should come by more. water, chips, what next? A massage?" Namjoon joked, Jimin giggling. "Hell no, you're taking the guest is a king a little too far."

"Very disappointing, very disappointing indeed." Jimin laughed, playfully smacking Namjoon's shoulder. Jimin opened the bag and immediately stuffed some chips in his mouth.



But seriously... thank you so much for the support.❤

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