He looked at me from head to toe before smirking. He didn't said anything but I blushed at what he just did. Now no one ever knew what's inside his mind.

Then he started to apply body soap into me, he was really doing his duties seriously, while I was standing there not uttering any words.

He went into my back and started scrubbing it. "You're not bleeding anymore." he glance at me. "The medicine helped."

"Good to know." I replied while I still feel ashamed standing here. After helping me, he moved to apply the same body soap into himself, I just stared at him while doing it.

My boyfriend was damn hot. I wanna praise myself for being so lucky to have him. Then I walked by myself towards him and hugged him.

"Win." he called as I wrapped my arms into his neck, hugging him despite of the soap and bubbles in our bodies.

"P'Bright, thank you." I smiled. "Thank you for taking care of me." I whispered and hugged him tighter.

His arms wrapped my waist to hug me back. "And I'm sorry for hurting you." I don't know how many times he said it, but it was alright with me.

If making love to him would be that painful, then it was fine by me. I don't mind getting sick over and over again.

I let go of our hug and kissed him in the lips. He was stunned at first but he kissed me back under the shower.

Words couldn't describe how grateful I was. Maybe a kiss wouldn't hurt right?

After we took a shower and eat, P'Bright helped me to get used to the pain and tried walking properly. It was pretty hard for me, too painful, but I'm determined to keep what happened a secret.

For almost half an hour of enduring the pain, I finally got used to it that I could walk properly, but of course, P'Bright said he'd still guide me while walking.

"Are you sure you can do it?" P'Bright asked while he's driving. We are now on our way to GMM.

I chuckled and shook my head. "You've asked that for a million times."

"If you think you can't do it, say it now, you can still back out." He glanced into me. "We can still call and cancel the show, we still have time." he added.

I moved to face him. "P'Bright, what do you think of your lover? Weak? This couldn't stop me." I said confidently.

Play 2gether would only be four episodes, we couldn't let the fans to wait for nothing this week just because of me. I couldn't disappoint our supporters.

When we reached the GMM, I smiled as usual and we went straight into the studio where we'll shoot the play 2gether.

Everybody was there, and they all turned to ask me if I'm alright. They have been informed of my situation. "I am fine now Phis, just couldn't move too much, I still feel dizzy." I excused myself and the staffs gave me the soft bean bag to sat on.

Thank goodness, I don't know what I'll react if they would make me sit on a hard chair.

"It was okay Win. No need to force yourself to be bubbly and energetic today. Your Phis will do it right?" The musical director asked my Phis which we Gunsmile, Guy, Toptap, and our guest P'Mike.

Khaotung is also with us today, and he'll play the guitar. They all nodded and agreed. "Don't worry, we won't make this show boring." P'Mike said patting my head.

"Yes, yes, leave it to us." P'Gunsmile assured me. I gave him my smile.

"Just rest there and smile." P'Guy said and I nodded.

"Thank you Phis." I thanked them. "Please don't tell the public that I'm not feeling well, I don't want them to worry." I said and they nodded.

"Okay so let's start. Camera roll in 3, 2, 1!" and the show started.

Just like what they said, they are the ones who talked at the whole show unlike when I'm alright.

They tried all their best to make the show joyful. Even said that we won't talk too much, but will sing.

While me, on the other hand, I tried to look like I'm okay, smiling and laughing with them.

I also notice how P'Bright glances at me secretly to check on me. I showed them my smile telling I'm alright.

The camera wasn't focusing too much on me since they said I'm looking so pale. I just focused on doing my today's job which is to sing. Good thing I still remember what the voice coach told me last practice.

"Well my Nong here is practicing for months." P'Bright pointed into me wherein my eyes widen and I looked away in frustration.

Is he crazy? I'm hurt and he's the reason why. But he wanted me to do a body roll?  I sigh, when I heard their cheers. Looks like I had no choice but to do it.

I lifted my self and did a few body waves. Damn, I couldn't stand so I did it while sitting, that would hurt too much.

Stubborn P'Bright, I'm going to hit him later. Good thing it doesn't hurt so much.

All in all, the show was great even if I'm pretty silent. I also had to thank P'Mike for doing the advertisement of our sponsor, in replace of me.

The management also told me to go home early as soon as we finish shooting to get some rest.

Now, I'm into the car while P'Bright's driving on our way home. He doesn't want me to be alone at my unit and told me to stay with him for the mean time.

I removed my seatbelt even if it's pretty risky. "Oi what are you doing?" and P'Bright got alarmed at what I just did. He glanced at me multiple times.

I don't know, I feel exhausted even if I didn't do anything today. I moved closer into his seat and rested my head into his shoulders. I wrapped my arms into his waist.

My head was looking for his shoulders to place on, so to spoil myself, I did what I want while he was driving. "I'm tired." I said and closed my eyes.

I heard P'Bright sigh as he let me do what I want. "I hate to see you like this." he whispered while driving.

Then I felt his right hand caress my head. "Please go back on how energetic you are, hmm?" he asked sadly and gave me a peck of kiss on the head.

I nodded.


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