"Later bitch!"

As soon as I put the foot at the studios the front desk girl informs me that my dad is waiting for me in his office. After leaving my stuff in the studio I was appointed to work I go to my dads office. Suge is in there, sitting on the black leather couch smoking a cigar. This must not be good. My mind starts racing, what if they found out? I study their faces as I make my way to my uncle to give him a hug.

"Beautiful as always!" - he talks after taking the cigare off his mouth. "Since when did you get braids?"

"Do you like them?" - I turn around to show him, whipping the braids. It was always fun to do.

"Perfect. You look like the queen you are!" - I kiss his cheek and then go to greet my dad too.

"Dylan and Jason were not happy about them!" - I wrinkle my nose when my dad accepts my hug but doesn't give one back. My heart starts racing along with my mind. He definitely knows, I'm a dead person and so is Blair for covering up for me.

"They are white, what do you expect from them? They don't know the beauty of it." - Uncle Suge says laughing, his deep voice filling the office, I laugh nervously because I still don't know why my dad wants to see me.

"I called you last night but your phone was off." - My dad interrupts our conversation as I take a seat next to my uncle.

"My battery was dead..."

"Yeah Blair told me. Nikolay said, you made them go home after the shooting of the video."

"Well it was already late when we finished and Blair was waiting for me with Devean."

"Pumpkin if it was safe out there for you to move around alone we wouldn't have to hire security, but since you are a big star you have to keep your security around." - uncle Suge speaks and my dad nods in agreement. If you would first meet Suge with me you wouldn't believe he was the dangerous gangster everyone knew him about.

"I was with friends, nothing was going to happen." - I cross my arms and frown at them.

"I don't pay for security for you to ditch them. You will have to keep them around, you don't have a choice here." - my dad adds moving some papers around. They are not bringing Marshall up so my hopes get up high again.

"Even if you might be dating someone..." - I snap my head on my uncles direction in horror.

"I..I'm not dating anyone." - I stutter. Way to go Heather!

"I'm just saying... Maybe you don't want us to know about your dating life so you think moving around without security is a smart move but it ain't. No guy matters to us more than your safety." - Suges says looking at me with his head slightly tilted and eyes narrowed. I narrow my eyes to him too, trying to figure out what he knows. If he already knew about Marshall it would be the perfect excuse for him to go a crash both him and Dre, but since he was here talking to me he probably just heard rumors about me seeing somebody.

"If there is nothing more..." - I get up fixing my yellow skirt wanting to get out of here as soon as possible and avoid Suge for as long as possible.

"Ah I also checked the songs you brought to me. Half of them sound really bad, and the other half you have to work on the lyrics." - my dad gives me a paper with all his notes.

"Okay, I'll check them." - I take the paper from my dad and skim through it.

"I'll be at the studio in a minute." - he says so I say goodbye to Suge and leave.

I get in the booth immediately and start recording once again the songs my father finds sonically bad. My phone buzzes. I stop the song and check it out.

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