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*Daniels POV

„You know don't you?" she asked to which I just nodded.

„Daniel..before you or I say anything else, I need you to know one thing." she paused for a second. „I love you. I love you so much.." she stopped to take a deep breath.

„But just as a best friend right?"

„Daniel.." she started to play with her hair which she only does when she feels uncomfortable or nervous.

„Soul, it's fine. I feel the same way." I smiled.

„You do?" she looked up surprised.

„It took me a while to realize it, but when I saw you and Jack yesterday, I knew. I don't think you both realize it as much as everyone else around you does, but the eyes don't lie. The way you both look at each other, when the other person isn't looking. You should have seen Jack's smile when you were fooling around with Isla yesterday. This guy fell head over heels for you and I think you did too. I don't know what you are scared of but please leave that feeling behind you. Nothing's in your way, just the two of you."

„You really are the best and I hate myself for hurting you." tears forming in her eyes.

„Hey, hey.. come here. Please don't cry." I embraced her into a hug. „You didn't hurt me, but instead showed me that there's still good girls out there who do care for me and my heart. I think we both were really lonely for a good period of time and by spending so much time together we did mistake loneliness for love. And I mean we do love each other, but we're just really better off as best friends."

„Do you think we would be together if I would have told you about everything with jack? If I wouldn't have lied about it?" she loosened the hug to look up at me.

„Honestly, I don't know. I believe that whoever's meant to be together, will be together in the end. Maybe Jack and you are meant to be together or maybe even the two of us are meant to be together, but I think right now we're supposed to be there for each other as best friends. The future will show." I smiled.

„Thank you for understanding me and being so supportive."

„You're my best friend, of course." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. „Now go for the guy you want. I want you both to be happy."

„What if he doesn't want me?" I could see the uncertainty in her eyes.

„He would be an idiot then, but you're not going to find out unless you try and talk to him."

I really wish for Souline to figure out what she wants. She deserves nothing more than to find someone who loves her in a way I couldn't right now and I hope it's going to be Jack. After everything that happened with him, Gabriela and the pregnancy, he needs someone like Soul on his side to show him what it feels like to have all the support of his significant other in every aspect of his life an don't give up on him when life gets though.

*Souline's POV

Daniel and I spent the rest of the night together like we usually did. The next day I woke up and called Sydnie to go grab some breakfast and talk. If there's one human being I can talk to about Jack and who can help me, it's her.

"How did Daniel take it?" Syd asked.

"Surprisingly, really well. He said we're better off as best friends. That we were really lonely and thought we needed each other in a different way which we didn't. He realized it at the barbecue by the way Jack and I were looking at each other." I explained.

"See, I told you. Anyone would've realized you two care for each other." she said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Gosh I don't know, Syd. I really like him, but I'm not sure if he likes me in the same way. I mean he has Lavender and needs to focus on her and not some random girl. I would just be a distraction."

„You need to stop looking for excuses, just because you're scared of getting hurt. He can focus on both, you and Lavender, and combine those two worlds as long as you let him." she paused. „Soul, even our mom realized it at the barbecue. She knows her son and he hasn't looked at anyone like he looks at you in a very long time. He just thinks your heart belongs to someone else and you need to clear that up. Call him. Ask him out. Do something. He's worth it and I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. He's not perfect and he made mistakes, because we're human and no one's perfect." a genuine smile forming on her lips.

"You know no matter what happens, I'm really happy he introduced the two of us. I'm glad I gained another beautiful friend like you." I grinned.

"Couldn't agree more."

"Okay, so what are our plans for the rest of the day? It's kinda cloudy outside." I asked looking outside the window.

"Well, I have an idea but I'm not quite sure if you're going to like it." she smirked.

"Oh gosh.. tell me." I laughed.

"You know, we could hang out at my house, meaning you'll maybe, no you'll definitely get to see Jack and then you could potentially ask him to hang out some time. It's just an idea you know." the smirk getting even bigger.

"An idea you really like huh?"

"Like? I love this idea and I want to see jack's face when he sees you at home. He doesn't know we got along this well at the barbecue." she laughed.

"I can't say no to the idea right?"

"Let's go." she grinned like the happiest kid on earth.

{a/n: So, how do you feel about Soul choosing Jack and not Daniel? I hope my Daniel lovers don't hate me haha.. but you never know what could still happen in the story you know.. the Story isn't finished yet and I don't think it will any time soon.🦋}

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