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*Souline's POV

After I got home from my walk with Jack and showered, I started getting ready because our group decided to take a spontaneous trip to this canyon spot, because the view is supposed to be breathtaking. We wanted to watch the sunset together. I was so excited! I love the sky and how it's possible for our sky to have all different kinds of colors in it. I'm the person who stops every time she sees the sky in beautiful colors, to take millions of photos.

I grabbed some snacks for all of us and put them into my bag just like other random stuff I could potentially need and then went downstairs. Franny agreed on driving us girls. We're so many people, we literally have to take like five cars to get somewhere when where all together. I was the last one Franny picked up. I hate sitting in the back, therefore the girls let me sit in the front with Franny. Nezza, Lera and AM sat in the back. Chelsea was the only girl who drove with the boys.

"Dude!! Now, I remember what I wanted to ask you Soul!" Franny almost screamed which made me and Nezza flinch.


"I'm sorry" she laughed at our reaction. "So, what I wanted to ask is what happened after the gym? I think I saw Jack get into your car?" Franny asked.

I told them the whole story from last night with Daniel, then the thing with Jack today and even about me lying to Daniel.

"But you guys need to promise me to not tell Daniel or anyone else in the group, alright?"

"I mean we won't, but sooner or later you'll have to tell him, don't you think? What if the fan posts the picture of her and jack on social media and Daniel somehow sees it and puts two and two together? I mean you told him you had ice cream and Jack still had his ice cream in the photos?" Nezza had a point.

"Or even worse, what if they took pictures of you two when you weren't looking. Daniel told us how their fans always knew if one of the guys was seeing someone before they even made it public or talked about it, because they secretly took pictures of them to post on social media." Franny added.

"What.. I don't think so. The girls looked so cute and innocent, I can't believe they would even think of doing that."

"Yeah, but not everyone is as innocent as they might seem. Don't forget that." Franny made me rethink my actions.

"Maybe I should tell him.."

"Do it Soul. I know you lied to protect him, but imagine what he's going to feel like when he finds out you lied. He's going to be devastated and maybe lose his trust in you." Am tried to convince me.

"You're right. Why did I even think about lying to him? I'm so dumb. I don't want to ruin our trip. I'll just tell him tonight, after the trip." I announced.

"You won't regret it." Nezza smiled.

When we finally arrived and parked the car, we made our way up to where the boys were all sitting at, all in a line vibing to a song they were playing.

We tried to scare them but it turns out they somehow saw or heard us coming, because when we tried to sneak up on them and scare them, they all turned around at the exact same time and screamed "BUH" .
You should've seen Nezza and the way she lost her balance and fell down in the funniest way possible, landing on her ass while almost taking Franny with her.

"Y'all are freaking idiots I almost broke my ass, you assholes!" Nezza screamed and laughed while getting up from the ground with Franny's help.

"What!!" jc laughed. "How are we assholes, when you wanted to scare us in the first place, but failed."

"when you wanted to scare us but you failed, bla bla bla." Nezza mimicked jc, making everyone including herself laugh even more.

I looked over to Daniel who was giving me one of the purest smiles ever followed by a wink making me blush.

"so are we exploring all of this now, or what?" bobby stood up, making the others boys join him.

The boys literally sprinted away. You could see them jump around like little kids, leaving us girls behind. I think they were more excited about this, than we were. When we finally caught up with them, I went to sit down next to Daniel.

"Hey handsome, have I seen you here before?" I joked.

"Hey love." a giggle leaving his mouth.

Daniel wrapped his arm around me.

This canyon had so many spots to sit around. Some where higher than the others. Everyone was sitting at a different spot and we just enjoyed the breathtaking view together.

"Guys this is beautiful." Nezza noticed. "Also, where's papo? I can't see him." she looked around.

"I'm behind you, you dumbass." David jokingly hit her head.

Nezza turned around with the most legendary look on her face. It was quiet for a second and then everyone bursted out into laughter. This was definitely one of those moments, where you realize how indescribably happy you are. I looked around and what I saw was family..friends that became family. I would give my everything to see every single one of them happy and succeed. I always ask myself how I got so lucky. I moved out here on my own, not knowing a single soul out here and then one day I met Nezza and became part of this amazing friend group.

"Guys, I don't think I say it enough, but I love you all so much. Thank you for doing this thing called life with me." I smiled.

Daniel pulled me closer to him and kissed the top of my head.

"We're family. Love y'all to death." Jc blew us all a kiss, making us giggle.

"okay, love y'all too, but let's not get too sappy with this view in front of us." Corey said.

"CORREEEEEEY! why you gotta ruin this cute moment." jc screamed with a smile on his face.

With that, we watched the sun go down together. It was out of this world. Surrounded by the people I love most.

{a/n: Sorry I've been pretty busy lately, but here's a new chapter! Hope you like it😘}

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