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"Well.." she started. "Since I started dating jack, I don't think there's been a day where the why don't we fans wouldn't hate on me. It's crazy.. they find a reason to push negativity my way every single day for the most stupid reasons." she paused. „Of course there are also really, really nice fans that defend me and send positive vibes my way, but the majority of them just tries to bring me down. It's been like that for over 2 years now. Even now that I have Lavender, it still hasen't changed."

"Isn't that kind of normal when you start dating someone.. ehm.." I stopped to think about how to say it. ".. well someone who's famous?"

"Yes of course, but you should see the amount of hate I get and then I look at Tate, Christina or kay. The fans love them. They especially love you! You should see the way they ship you and Daniel. We all get hate, but it's like they especially dislike me for some odd reason." she looked to the ocean.

Wait what? How did I miss their fans shipping Daniel and I. I really have to be more active on social media.

"What I didn't know they shipped Daniel and I. That's weird." i giggled. "I really miss everything, because I never check my social media comments or posts I'm tagged on. But what are they saying about you?" I asked out of curiosity.

"You really should start looking trough them, they love you." she smiled. „You know the typical. I'm using jack for his money. I just want all the fame. I just got pregnant for publicity and so he'll never leave me and bla bla bla."

By the look on her face I could tell how much it was affecting her even though she didn't want it to affect her that much.

"They don't know me. They don't know what it's like to be dating someone who's "famous" and is on tour all the time, even when you're pregnant. Being pregnant is something you want to experience with your partner, having him with you when your body goes trough crazy changes." she sighed. "I was not allowed to tell anyone about it and I did not get to decide when I want to announce the birth of my own baby. I pushed this baby out of my body? You know how hard this pregnancy was for me? I felt so alone. I mean people close to me knew about it, but it's just really hard when you need to hide your whole pregnancy just because your boyfriends management wants you to?" she stopped to think for a second. "Don't get me wrong. Jack has been amazing with all of this and it's not his fault that his management reacted the way they did. It's also not his fault that his job consists of him traveling around the world even when I'm about to give birth to our child."

"Woah I'm speechless. I mean I could only imagine how hard that must've been for you, but hearing it from you personally really makes me sad. No one deserves to go trough this. You're really strong Gabriela." I smiled at her.

„Thank you for saying that."

We heard the guys come into the living room laughing.

Guess we should head back in right?" she smiled at me standing up.

Hey wait." I stopped her. "I know we didn't start out on good terms, but if you ever need someone to talk to, just call me okay?"

That's so nice, but I don't even have your number." she said.

„Give me your phone." I held my hand out.

Wait I think my phone's inside. Come on." she said opening the balcony door.

„So did he show you his gaming stuff?" I asked Daniel.

Yes. I'm amazed. It's dope." he replied.

Oh I already guessed that. He's been showing you his stuff for 30 minutes." I laughed.

„Hey, you girls get excited about outfits and make up and we get excited about this kind of stuff." jack tried to prove their point.

„It's fine, it's fine. We didn't even notice you were gone for that long." I shrugged.

„Here you go." Gabriela handed me her phone.

I took Gabriela's phone into my hand and started typing my number in. I know my number by heart. It's literally the only number I know. If I would be lost in a foreign city or country one day without my phone, I would have a big problem because I could probably not recall any phone number of my friends and family but my own.

„Here you go." I handed her my phone.

„Wait what was that?" Jack asked confused.

What do you mean?" Gabriela asked in return.

„This whole phone thingy right there." he demonstrated it with his hands.

„They exchanged numbers, you dummy." Daniel slapped Jack's arm.

„Yeah, but are you guys like friends now? I mean the first time you met, you know.. it didn't go pretty well." he explained.

„We're good now, right?" she asked looking at me.

„We are." I smiled at her.

I can't believe I really just said that but I think we really are on good terms now. What do they always say? The best friendships are the ones where you hated each other first right? Maybe this could emerge into one of those friendships? At the end of the day our boyfriends are in a band which means we're going to be in each other's lives no matter what. Wait. Did I just say boyfriend? I meant best friend. He's my best friend. He's not my boyfriend or is he? Well he isn't my boyfriend yet. We haven't talked about this whole thing. Do I even want him to be my boyfriend? Am I ready to be in a relationship? Ok. I have to stop this overthinking right now.

„This is amazing! I was afraid you're not going to get along after what happened." he sighed in relief.

„I think it's time for you to go to sleep Jack." Gabriel patted Jack's back.

„What? We have guests." he acted like a child.

„Well the guests have to leave now. I have an important meeting tomorrow morning. I should already be in bed." I laughed.

„Why don't we just meet up tomorrow and have a beach day in the afternoon? No pun intended. I mean you love the ocean Soul and this one in front of our apartment is just everything." Gabriela laughed.

„Sounds good to me." Daniel looked at me waiting for my response.

„Ehm, I guess I can't say no to a beach day. I'm in."

„Great then let's meet up around 3 tomorrow." Gabriela suggested.

„Amazing." I replied.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter! 😘}

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