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Today is friday and I was pretty productive at work today, even though I may or may not had more than one glass of wine last night. Therefore, I decided to go home earlier today and maybe do some home office before I could get ready for the concert tonight.
Around 3pm, I finished home office and decided to facetime my mom to see how her day went and tell her about my plans for tonight because I knew she would still be up watching tv. My parents and I try to facetime almost every day, but it get's hard sometimes because of our different time zones, so then we just text, send each other random pictures or voice messages to be up to date about each other's life's.
After my facetime call with my mom, I started getting ready and had literally no clue what to wear. My closet is full and I'm still not able to ever find myself an outfit. How is that even possible? Guys just put on anything and go out, while girls have to spend hours trying to find a good outfit. But hey, after what felt like 3 hours I finally chose myself a pretty cool outfit to wear. At the end of the day, it's just a concert and I want to be comfy dancing around so I went with some comfy high waisted jeans and a cute top cause it's going to be hella hot in there.

 At the end of the day, it's just a concert and I want to be comfy dancing around so I went with some comfy high waisted jeans and a cute top cause it's going to be hella hot in there

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After I put my outfit on, I quickly finished up my make up and did my hair. I went really easy with my make up, I just wanted to be natural because I'm gonna sweat my ass off anyways. Concerts are there to have fun and sweat. My hair looked pretty cute today with some waves.

It was already 5:25pm, therefore I took all my stuff and went downstairs, because Bobby was going to pick us girls up at 5:30pm

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It was already 5:25pm, therefore I took all my stuff and went downstairs, because Bobby was going to pick us girls up at 5:30pm . When I got downstairs Bobby was already waiting for me, so I quickly jumped into his car and we drove off to pick up the rest.

"Boooobbbbbyyyyyy what's up. How you doin'?" I asked while getting into the car.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, all good, just picking up some random girls because they're way too lazy to drive to the concert by themselves." he said joking around.

"Hey, bobs I know you still love us even though you drive us around most of the time.." I said leaning into his direction and grining at him.

"really? Who said that? I don't recall to any of that." he added.

"YOUUU say it all the time, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." I said with a funny voice which made him laugh. "..but bobs, on a serious note..what are the Why Don't We boys like?"

"Well, to begin with, three of them are taken if that is what you're wondering about and one of them even has a daughter." he grinned.

"Nooooo, that was not what I was wondering about you dork. But hold up, one of them has a kid?? Aren't the boys like our age?" I asked confused.

"Yeah they are. I mean it wasn't planned, but Jack is pretty happy about his daughter. It was a really hard process, because they're still pretty young but they have such great families and friends who helped them trough everything. Their daughter Lavender is precious." he said smiling.

"Welp, crazy I don't think I would have been able to handle becoming a mom at such young age and on top of that having a boyfriend who's touring all around the world."

„Yeah, it's the hardest job on planet earth." he added.

After like 30 minutes we finally arrived at the venue they were going to perform at and it was already packed with so many fans who were wearing their merch and singing their songs.

We had seats pretty much in the back, which was totally fine because you could see the whole stage they were going to perform at. All of us were just chatting and making jokes until the lights went out and you knew the show was about to start.
The fans stared screaming like crazy, I was afraid my eardrum was about to burst. And then they came on stage. Five guys with amazing show effects and most of all amazing voices. Honestly, they were amazing, like really amazing, they are way more talented than I have imagined.. it blew my mind. Their whole concert was so much fun and full of good energy.

After the concert, we went backstage to meet the guys and just hang out. I was pretty nervous to be honest, because all of them know the guys and their families and then there's me, I don't even know which boy is who..I didn't even know what the boys looked like to be honest. Because of our seats in the back, I was not able to see what they looked like from that far away and I did not look them up on social media or anything, because I had no time at all and just wanted to have my own first impressions of them.
We were waiting for the boys in a room full of snacks and the room was pretty packed with people I don't know, but I don't have to tell you what I did as soon as I got into the room.. the hot cheetos were screaming my name.
I was literally minding my own business, eating my Cheetos while everyone else was just talking.

„Cheetos are the definitely the best." I heard someone say behind me. The voice sounded kinda familiar, but also not familiar. I turned around and saw a boy with curly hair smiling at me while taking a Cheetos bag into his hands.
He was so cute. There was something about him that made him so attractive even though he had just said one phrase to me and I'm a sucker for curly hair and a cute smile.

Hell yeah! They're bad for me, but the heart wants what it wants." I said laughing shyly.

That's definitely something Selena Gomez would say." he laughed while taking out a cheeto of his bag.

„Hey, don't laugh. She's my queen." I said pointing at him.

„I would never laugh about Selena Gomez, I would rather want to marry her believe me." he said which made me laugh. Dude he was being the cutest ever. I was starting to hope he's single and not taken because I have the baddest luck with guys. They are either not interested, a fuckboy, taken or gay and he seems like the perfect man right now, but they all seem like that in the beginning.

Yo, Jack! Great show man! Where's lavender?" Bobby suddenly interrupted us.

Then it hit me.
He's jack, the one Bobby told me about in the car..
Welp, there goes my luck.

{a/n: Hope you like the second chapter!😘}

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