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*Souline's POV

It's been a month since my date with Jack and we have been together almost every day since then. I can't remember the last time, I actually hung out in my own apartment and didn't just go there to sleep or feed my cats. I've been spending every day at Jack's house. His closet is mine at this point. It's not my fault, guys hoodies are way more comfortable than girls hoodies.

You know, I'm really happy I get along so well with Jack's whole family. I guess I got really lucky, because they already treat me like I'm part of their family. It makes the fact that my family is miles away from, more bearable. I miss them every day. I'm glad I can FaceTime them, but it's just not the same. 

Nevertheless, I'm happy here. I'm really, really happy. At this moment, it seems like everything in my life is aligning just perfect.
Syd is really becoming one of my best friends out here. When I'm not spending time with Jack, I spend it with her. Sydnie has this beautiful personality, where she makes you feel so welcomed and appreciated around her. 

I'm also not the only one spending most of her time at the Avery's, my cats are as well. Yes.. I take them with me. Don't judge me. They have been alone so much and it made me really sad, so Jack and Syd suggested I take them with me and we'll see if their cat Simon gets along with Alaska and Angel and thank god they did. They don't want to leave at this point. I think they're starting to believe it's their new home. I mean I'm not complaining. At least their not alone all the time, and get to play with Jack's little sister.

Right now I was in Jack's car, waiting for him to get Lavender. Today is Jack's day with her, and we even get a little sleepover with her tonight. I looked to my right, and there I saw him with Lavender in his arm. His smile as big as can be.

"Hey little girl, how are you?" I got out of the car, holding my arms out for her. She's always so shy at the beginning, but she still let Jack give her to me.

"Do you know where we're going today? Daddy doesn't want to tell me?" I tickled her lightly, to which she just giggled.

"Oh she knows." he smirked, while putting Lavenders stuff into the car.

"Why is everyone allowed to know, expect me?" I pouted.

"Because it's a surprise." He kissed the side of my head, and took Lavender into his arms.

"Rude." I stated.

"Just wait till you see what the surprise is." his smirk even bigger.

"So how long is the drive to wherever we're going?" I asked.

"Its like a 30 minute drive." he started the car.

I took out my phone to google locations that are 30 minutes away from us.

"Don't you dare ask google." he snapped my phone out of my hand.

"Hey!! That's my phone!" I frowned.

"I won't let you ruin this surprise for you. I know you hate surprises, but just relax for once and let me do this for you." he took my hand into his, and intertwined our fingers.

"Okay, okay, I give up. Just tell me who's coming?" I looked at him.

"Of course, Sydnie, Anthony, Isla and Ava are coming. And then I think Jonah, Tate, Zach, Kay and Eben." He listed all of their names.

"We're way too many people, we're gonna lose each other." I laughed.

"As long as I don't lose you and Lav, it's fine." he squeezed my hand.

For the last ten minutes, jack insisted on me putting a blindfold on. He was really all about this surprise and I was getting hella excited.

"You know, I can't help you with lavender if I don't see. Can I take the blindfold off?"

"You leave that blindfold on. Don't you dare. Sydnie will help me." he warned me.

"I hope the surprise is fun, because this is no fun at all. I feel so vulnerable right now."  My foot tapping on the floor like crazy.

"Lavi, you see that? She can't let me surprise her once."

"Lavi, don't listen to your da-"

"BUH." I felt someone grab me from behind. "Did I scare you?"

"SEE JACK. THAT'S WHAT I MEANT. I FEEL VULNERABLE. ANYONE CAN ATTACK ME." I yelled, with my heart racing in my chest. "I hate you Syd. You're the worst. You scared the Shhh out of me!"

"The Shhh?" she laughed.

"A toddler is present right now. I can't be saying bad words. You know what I mean." I crossed my arms.

"Okay, okay, okay Ms. I don't like being blindfolded, you can take off your blindfold after you answered one question." Jack said.

"I'm listening."

"Can you tell me one of your biggest dreams? A place you always wanted to visit?" he asked me.

"New York?"

"Yeah, because New York is a 30 minute drive away from Los Angeles, bab-, Soul." I could hear him giggle.

"I don't know Jack. I can't think right now." I shrugged.

"What do you always want to watch when Lavender's over?"

"Oh that's easy. Disney movies." I responded and then it made click. "NO FREAKING WAY, JACK. STOP."

"Take your blindfold off." he said. I immediately snatched off my blindfold and my jaw almost dropped to the floor.

"DISNEYLAND?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He smiled and nodded.

"Is daddy getting a thank you or what?" he asked.

"Dude, I don't know what she calls you when I'm not around, but I'm gonna vomit. You're Lav's daddy okay? Only Lavs dad in front of me." she looked disgusted, which only made Jack's grin turn even wider.


Oh no-.. I did not..

{a/n: Hey my loves!🦋 I'm really sorry for not posting in a while. Life's been pretty hectic lately. I'm not quite sure when it's the next time I'll upload a new chapter, but it's gonna come don't worry. I won't forget about you. Hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think.}

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