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"What the fuck? Why are you alone with Lavender? What the fuck? Where's jack?" she almost yelled at me.


The last time I have seen Gabriela, was when she was still with Jack. The day Daniel and I dropped Jack off at home when he got very drunk. We got along pretty well, but I haven't spoken to her since then. I know she probably found out about Jack and I, and if she didn't, then Daniel's sister Anna probably told her.

"I'm not alone with Lavender. I mean right now I am, but only because Jack and the rest went on to the Star Wars ride. They'll be back soon." I mumbled.

"I can't believe he went on this ride and left our daughter with you. Give her to me." she demanded.

What was I supposed to do? It was Jack's day with Lavender, I can't just give her to Gabriela? What am I gonna tell Jack? 'Oh hey Jack, I met the mother of your child and she took Lavender away from me sorry'? But on the other hand, it's her child? I can't just tell her 'no, I won't give you your own daughter'?

„Lavender is with Jack for the day and you know it." I tried to sound as polite as possible.

„And he clearly isn't taking good care of her, is he?"

„Can we just wait for him to get off the ride and then talk about this? Let's not make a scene, please." I tried to calm her down, but by the look on her face, it seemed like it wasn't working at all.

„Are you really not gonna give me my daughter? Do you think you're her mom now that you're dating jack? I'm gonna call security if you're not giving me my daughter right now. I'm not asking again, Souline." she grabbed her stroller and just pushed me away.

„Are you for real? I tried to be all nice and shit, but not like this. You act all mature and kind on social media now that you're a mom, but this just proofed the exact opposite. You could've just asked politely and talk to me like I'm a normal human being. I wasn't trying to harm Lavender? I was just watching her and was about to get us some ice cream?" I was about to lose my shit.

„You're basically a stranger to her? I'm done talking to you." she was about to turn around when I stopped her.

„If you want to prove you're the adult that you say you are, you're gonna wait for jack." I said annoyed.

„Fine. We'll wait and then I'll leave with Lavender."

We waited for like 7 more minutes, which felt like an eternity. Jack texted me asking where we're at, and I told him the place we were waiting at.

The second they got closer, and Sydnie and Jack realized I was standing with Gabriela, their mood went from happy to emotionless real quick.

„What is going on?" Jack asked looking at the both of us.

„Why don't you ask your girlfriend?" A fake smirk on her face.

„She's not my girlfriend? We're friends." he responded immediately, which kind of hurt my feelings for some odd reason. I know we're not official yet, but we're not just friends either. The way he just responded, seemed as if he was trying to proof something to her.

„Oh so you're basically letting a complete stranger watch our daughter, huh?" she hissed at him.

„Are you fucking serious right now? A stranger? What the fuck are you even doing here? Are you some fucking stalker? You knew, we were going to be here today! Why the fuck would you come too?" Sydnie hissed back at her, trying to defend jack and I.

„I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to your brother." she rolled her eyes.

„Don't you ever fucking roll your eyes at me ever again. Who do you think you are? Jack has Lavender for the day, and your jealous ass can't stand seeing jack happy with Souline, so you decide to just come, stalk us, and start a fucking fight and ruin everyone's day?" Sydnie was really mad.

„Why would I even care? If he wants to make a mistake, it's his choice."

„Well, at least she'll be the best mistake he'll ever made." a smirk on Sydnie's face.

„I'm taking Lavender with me."

„Gabbie, it's my day with her? I don't know why you're here, but please don't ruin our day. Don't ruin my and Lavender's day.. I'm begging you. You're overreacting. I know it might be weird seeing me with someone else, but we're not dating, I promise you that." jack finally spoke.

I didn't understand what he was trying to prove here? Was us dating or not, really as important right now? It was like he wanted her to know for sure, that I'm not his girlfriend. He had to promise her that? What kind of bullshit is this? I felt so stupid and betrayed right now. I just wanted to leave.

„It's time to leave anyways." she tried to convince Jack to let Lavender go with her.

„All of her stuff is at my place. This is so stupid!" this was really getting to him emotionally.

"You're just gonna leave our daughter with some random girl you met." she said, but I could see she was about to give in. I know she wanted a day off as well. Being a mom is hard, but I still don't get why she decided to come to Disneyland, the exact same day as we did.

"I promise you, I won't. Please." he begged.

"Fine." she gave in, with an annoyed look on her face.

"Thank you." he said taking Lavender's stroller back.

After that, Gabbie left and we decided it's really time to leave. She killed the whole vibe and it was getting pretty late anyways.

Jack's car was the first we came across, and the other cars were parked a bit further down the parking lot. I just didn't stop and followed Sydnie. She looked at me, and by the look on my face, she knew and didn't say anything.

"Woah Soul? Where are you going?" I heard Jack from behind.

I really hoped, he would've notice when I was already in Sydnie's car. I took a deep breath and turned around, but nothing came out. I couldn't talk to him right now. Thankfully, Sydnie noticed and answered for me.

"She's driving with me."

"Bu-" he wanted to say something, but the look on Sydnie's face probably told him not to.

{a/n: hey my loves. Drama baby drama. What do you think will happen next? 🦋}

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