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*Jack's POV

I was on the phone with our manager when Souline yelled for me in the bathroom to bring her some clothes. I tried to shake him off, but he would not stop talking. When we finally said our goodbyes I sprinted over to my room to get her some clothes, but found her already in there looking through my clothes. She was on her tiptoes. God it looked adorable the way she was struggling to hold her towel with one hand and also look through my clothes with the other one, while trying to keep a balance. She looked so cute.

"What are you doing?" I leaned against the doorframe.

Souline was probably not expecting me to be here at all, because she winced so hard, lost her balance and let her towel fall down revealing her beautiful body. She was in her underwear though, so all good. No worries. I didn't see anything I shouldn't see, even though she didn't look all to happy. I don't get why a guy can see a girl in her bikini, but can't see her in her underwear when they're not dating? Like where's the difference? A bikini and underwear look exactly the same, just the fabric is different.

"HOLY FREAK JACK!" she quickly grabbed her towel from the floor to wrap it back around her body. "Have you ever heard from knocking on the door before you walk in?" she hissed at me, but still in a friendly way.

"You do know that this is my room right?" I smirked. Souline gave me the 'are you serious right now' look. I could not help but start laughing. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry."

"I could've been naked jack!" she turned around to look for some clothes again.

"I wouldn't mind." it slipped out of my mouth.

She didn't respond. She probably felt uncomfortable, but I witnessed a little smile on her face from where I was standing. I started walking towards her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud. It just slipped." I admitted. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in front of me, okay? What I was trying to say by that is that you're really beautiful and so is your body. You should never have to hide it." I explained. She didn't look at me. It was like she was so fixed on this one spot in the closet that she could not let go of it or didn't want to because otherwise she would have to face me. "Let me help you. I know my closet better than you do, I'll find something good and comfy for you." I smiled at her. "Hoodie or thsirt?" I asked looking at her.

"Ehm.. a hoodie please." she finally said something.

"Here you go. But I think I'll just give you a leggins from Gabbie's closet, she has a million leggins, especially black ones. My pants won't fit you properly." I laughed a little and she just nodded. "You can get changed while I'll jump into the shower real quick."

"Thank you Jack." she replied.

I hoped into the shower and when I got out, I found Souline sitting on the balcony. God she is so beautiful even without make up and her being in my hoodie right now makes everything about her ten times more attractive. It's just something about a girl you like wearing your clothes.

"There you are." I smiled at her.

"Here I am." her eyes still fixed on the ocean.

"You really love the ocean, huh?"

"I do. It's just.. just.. so beautiful and peaceful. Also, look at the sky. How beautiful is the sky? This world is full of many wonders." a sweet smile forming on her lips.

"Ever watched the sun go down in front of the ocean?" I hoped the answer was no.

"Honestly, no."

"Great, because that's what we're about to do." I held my hand out for her. She didn't think too much about it and grabbed my hand in the most exciting way I have ever seen and started walking back inside while still holding my hand.

DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED I AM? I have never ever watched the sun go down. I mean I saw sunsets, but never really sat in front of the ocean with someone I.. ehm I mean I never sat in front of the ocean with a friend." her cheeks turning into a rosé.

What was that?

„I love how excited you are about this." I sat down in the sand.

Are you kidding me. This is on my bucket list."

„Oh really? What else is on your bucket list?" I asked really curious about the answer.

So, my biggest dream is to visit New York. I have been dreaming about this since I was a litle kid. I always had paintings and pictures of the city on my walls until this day. I also want to visit Santorini in Greece so badly! It has always been a dream of mine, it's just so beautiful and romantic." she took a second to catch a breath. „I really want to learn more about other cultures. I want to become the most confident in my body. I want a house with a big big pool and a cinema one day. Dude.. just imagine your own home cinema. Always been a dream of mine. I want to be really successful careerwise so I can help out my parents to the point where they never have to worry about money for the rest of their lives.They supported me all my life and spend all their money on me. There was nothing I didn't have as a child. I really had the best childhood." she paused „Honestly there's so much more I want to do an achieve in my life, but most importantly.. I want to have a family of my own with 3 kids running around in the backyard in our big house, two cats and the pool and home cinema of course!" she laughed. „No really. That's all I've been dreaming about since I was a little girl.. to find someone who will love me unconditionally. Someone who supports me in every way possible and wants to start a family with me. Someone who's always got my back. Someone I could do all of these things I just told you about with." a light genuine smile on her face. "Oh and I want to change the world, but who doesn't right?" a slight laugh leaving her mouth.

"Wow.. I'm impressed and speechless to say the least. Thank you for letting me in. You know, telling me about all of this." I smiled at her.

"Of course." she smiled back at me. The sunset was just bringing out all of her perfect features. Her blue eyes looked like something I have never seen before.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is something on my face that I don't know about?" she grinned.

"I just like looking at you."

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter and please stay safe wherever you are. This world is really upside down at the moment. I'm praying for change. 😘}

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