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I wanted Nezza to come back and pick me up so bad right now. I can't spend a whole day alone with Jack and Lavender? I'm already so confused with all these feelings I'm feeling. I'm not saying I have feelings for Jack, but I can't deny the fact that there's something, and I don't think I'm the only one who feels it. He does too. I know it. I just feel it whenever he's around. A whole day with Jack won't make this any easier. I never thought I was ever going to say this but I wished Gabriela was here right now, because seeing them as a family would maybe help me get my shit together and help me understand what's best for me, because I don't think it's Jack.

"Come on Lavi, meet my good friend Souline. She's really, really nice. " he said in the cutest voice ever, getting her out of her seat. I didn't know he saw me as a good friend. I wasn't even sure if we're friends at all.

When he turned around, two beautiful little brown eyes met mine. I immediately fell in love with her. Lavender is so cute. She was taking in every angle of me. I mean I'm some stranger to her, she never saw me before.

"Hi Lavender. I'm Souline, you can call me Soul." I stopped. "Or at least do so when you start talking one day." I giggled.

I'm so dumb. I'm introducing myself to her as if she's an adult. What is wrong with me. Jack on the other hand thought it was pretty funny, because he couldn't help but giggle a little.
Then she smiled at me. She really smiled at me. It was too precious. The biggest smile grew on my face. I love kids so much and to be honest, kids do love me. A kids smile is the best thing ever. You know it's real. Nothings fake about a smile from a kid. They mean it with all their heart.

"Can I hold her?" I asked Jack not taking my eyes of her.

"Of course, I just don't know if she's going to let you. She always needs time to get used to people she's never met before. You can try, but I don't think she's going to let go of me." he laughed a little.

"Hey cutie, you want to have some more fun with me than your daddy?" I smiled at her holding my hands out for her.

She was starring at my hands for a second and then it happened. She brought her arm to the front, because she was holding on to Jack's back. Then she held her hands out so I could take her in my arms. Oh my god. The smile on my face probably showed how happy I was about this situation. Kids are the best. Jack's jaw almost fell to the ground, before the biggest smile appeared on his face.

"I think you're the first person to ever hold her, two minutes into meeting her. I'm blown away right now." he shook his head in surprise. "Lavi you seem to really like her then, huh?" he tickled her stomach making her giggle.

Oh gosh. I was dying inside. How sweet was this. His baby likes me and he's tickling her while I'm holding her in my hands. We probably looked like a happy family if anyone would walk past us.

"Okay wait." he started looking for something in the back pocket of his jeans. "I need to capture this moment. This is way too cute." he now was holding his phone in his hand ready to take a picture of Lavender and I. "Come on Lavi, smile." he said making weird movements so she starts laughing, but it honestly just made me laugh.

"Come on Lav, daddy wants a picture. Say Cheeeeeeseeeeee." I tickled her a little bit and it worked. I'm not quite sure if she was smiling because of Jack's weird movements or my tickling, but she did and that was all that mattered.

"This is so cute." Jack said coming over to show me the photos. They really were cute.

"Okay let me get the bags and then we can go enjoy the beautiful weather okay?" I nodded with Lavender still in my arms.

When we arrived at the entrance to the beach, Jack went to their apartment to bring us some snacks and necessities while Lavender and I stayed at the beach waiting for him.
I was surprised he trusted me so much he would let me watch Lavender by myself while he went upstairs. Lav and I were having the best time ever. Kids are so much fun.

*Jack's POV

When I finally packed everything together, I went downstairs to finally join Lavender and Souline at the beach. The moment I got there, I heard laughter and giggles from them. It was precious. The way Souline was playing and messing around with Lavender was something different. It was out of this world. She was so good with kids, I could tell by the way she was getting along with Lavender at the moment. Lavender normally is pretty shy around people she just met, but it was different with Souline. Kids always feel the energy of people and Souline was full of positive energy. The moment she smiles at you, the whole world lights up. Lavender probably felt that as well when Souline started talking to her.
Was it wrong for me to wonder what it would be like to have a little family with her? I mean seeing her with Lavender right now just messed with my head. I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't know what I'm feeling towards her. What I do know though is that I can't deny that there's something. I don't know what it is, but there's this side of me that feels so drawn to her.
Whenever I feel like everything's going great with Gabriela and my relationship, Souline appears in my life. It's like a sign from God, trying to tell me something. Even today. What are the odds that both Daniel and Gabriela can't make it to our beach day? It's like God wants us to be with each other and I don't mind at all.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter! 😘}

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