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*Souline's POV

Our game night went amazing. I even won first place when I was playing Mario Cart against Daniel, Crawford and Jc. You should have seen their faces when I crossed the finish line first. Everyone was having the best time ever. Moments like that always show me that you don't need a lot in life as long as you have people around you who genuinely make you happy.

Well, but every good night comes to an end and I have an important meeting tomorrow morning and you basically know the night is over when Crawford is passed out somewhere in the house. Yes, it happens every time Crawford is drinking. It's way too funny.

"Do you mind if we take jack home?" Daniel made sure I'm fine with it. "I think he drank more than the usual and I don't like the idea of him getting an uber back home." he explained.

"Daniel, of course. You don't have to ask me, it's your car not mine. I'm fine with whatever decision you take." I gave him a genuine smile.

"You're the sweetest." he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before he jumped up from the couch. "I'll go get him then or else he'll never leave."

He's such a great guy. Always making sure everyone is safe and feels comfortable. Even though jack has been pretty distant lately, he still wants to make sure he gets back home safe. He is the sweetest creature on earth.

Nezza, Franny and I talked while I was waiting for Daniel. He was having some kind of issues getting jack to come with him. It was pretty funny not gonna lie.

"So lunch tomorrow after my meeting? Feels like we haven't had a proper ladies day in a while. We practically never hang out without the guys anymore. Also, I have to tell you guys some juicy stuff." I smirked.

"Woah hold up Ms. I got to tell you some juicy stuff." she gave me her typical Nezza moves with her finger, it's the funniest thing ever. "You can't just say that and let us clueless until tomorrow? How am I supposed to sleep now?"

"Dude Nezz." Franny punched Nezza's arm. "I think we both know it's about Daniel or Jack if it's some juicy stuff." she whispered the last part about jack. "Honestly, the way Daniel has been clinging to you the whole evening long, I can only assume it's about Daniel."

"What? What Clinging? No he didn't. We were just sitting next to each other that's it. That's all." I tried to convince her, but I knew it was pointless. It's Franny, she knows before you do.

"Yeah, right. So Corey was kissing my cheek the whole time while he was sitting next to me. Oh right and Crawford had his arm around my waist, holding me close to him the whole time he was sitting next to me. A totally normal thing to do." she said sarcastically.

"Damn. You're like quicker and better than the FBI dude." I made all three of us laugh.

"Well what can I say. I may be quiet, but my eyes see everything." she said swinging her hair back with her hand.

"Okay, okay, okay. It's about Daniel, bu-."

"Soul, we're ready to go. We'll just wait for you in the car." Daniel interrupted our conversation.

"No, it's fine, I'm coming. We're done chatting, aren't we ladies?" I smirked into their direction while following Daniel.

"If I come to lunch with dark circles, you know it's because of you!" she yelled. I laughed and blew a kiss into her direction.

"What is she talking about?" Daniel looked confused.

"Oh. It's a girl thing, you wouldn't understand." he looked even more confused when I said that. "Trust me, just trust me."

"Alright, alright. I was just curious." he held his hands up in defense.

The drive was really quiet. Nobody said a word. I felt so uncomfortable the whole ride long. We really didn't talk at all. On top of that, we didn't even realize jack fell asleep in the back. So that was great, because that meant Daniel had to help him get up to his apartment and I know he won't leave me in the car by myself. I don't want to go up there. I don't want to see her.

„Jack. Come on. We're here. Wake up, buddy." Daniel tried to gently wake Jack up by shaking his body lightly.

„Mmmh nooo. I want to sleep." jack covered his head with his hand.

„Jack, stop playing around. Gabriela and Lavender are waiting upstairs." Daniel tried again and it worked, because as soon as he heard their names, his eyes jumped open. „Oh hallelujah." Daniel smiled into my direction.

„I'm sorry man. Thank you for the ride." he carefully got out of the car and almost tripped and fell to the ground, but Daniel stopped him from doing so.

„Woah, woah, woah buddy. Slow down. I think we'll help you upstairs in case something happens."

„What?" he gave Daniel a questioning look. „I'm good. I can do it by myself."

Jack don't even argue right now. Daniel just wants to help you, so accept his help and stop acting like a baby. You have one at home, I think that's one enough." I intervened.

Jack looked at me in complete shock, but didn't argue any more and agreed to Daniel helping him. I stayed in the car and hoped Daniel would just help him go upstairs without my company.

„What exactly are you doing right now?" Daniel opened my door.

„What does it look like? I'm sitting in your car, waiting for you to help jack so we can finally drive back home." I answered.

"If you really think I'll let you wait here in my car, all by yourself in the dark, then you're crazy. Get out Soul. We're both helping him." he was completely serious.

"I won't get out of this, even if I try to argue right?"

"No." he reached out his hand to help me get out of the car.

"Okay love birds. First you want to help me and now you're letting me wait? I need to use the bathroom as soon as possible." Jack interrupted and made both of us laugh.

Jack was being silly the whole way up to his apartment. I haven't seen this side of him in a very long time and I think he didn't either. Tonight was something he needed, even though he got a little bit too wasted, but he needed it.

"I think you guys should come inside. Say hi to Gabbie." Jack suggested.

"Oh I don't think that's a good idea. I have a meeting tomorrow morning, we should probably head home."

"We can at least say hi to Gabbie." Daniel looked at me.

"Listen to your man." Jack gave Daniel a high five.

"He's not m-."

The door opened making me stop.

"I knew I heard someone outside." Gabriela's eyes meeting mine immediately.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter! 😘}

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