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*Souline's POV

I still can't believe my eyes. I'm really at Disneyland. This is by far the best surprise I've ever gotten in my entire life, and it's not even my birthday. I don't ever want to leave. I want to stay here forever.

„So what was you're favorite ride so far? I think mine was the little mermaid one." Syd asked.

„Mine too! Seeing Lavender be so interested throughout the whole ride, look around and smile was the cutest thing ever. Oh, and Ariel is one of my favorite Disney princesses."

„Really? I thought Cinderella was." a surprised look on her face.

„I just love the movie so much, but Ariel is by far my favorite."

„Why's that?" She wanted to know.

Well, Ariel is confident in herself. She seems to be the kind of princess, little girls look up to growing up." I smiled. „One of the things that I've always loved about the Disney Princesses is how so many of them are filled with self-confidence, and confidence in their own abilities. Ariel definitely fits the mold. Even without her voice, even in a world that is nothing like hers, Ariel doesn't change who she is. She's out of her element, but doesn't try to blend in, or minimize her personality. Ariel is wholly herself, on both sea and land, and I think her self-confidence makes her a great role model for girls." I explained.

„I can only agree, but didn't she give up her voice for Eric? Just to be with him? In my opinion, it's not a very good value to teach the girls, is it?"

„No Syd, that's wrong!" I almost yelled, but in a friendly way.

„Huge mistake Syd. She's not gonna shut up about Ariel now. Once she gets into her Disney princesses, there's no way out." Jack laughed.

„Oh shut up. That's not true." I hit him playfully.

„I speak out of experience." He smirked.

„Just ignore you're brother." I stuck out my tongue at him. „So back to what I was trying to say."

„Good luck." he said walking off to the boys.

„When people call The Little Mermaid anti-feministic, their reasoning is usually because she gave up her voice for Eric, and well, that reasoning is WRONG. The movie makes it very clear early on that Ariel has been fascinated with going on land way before she even met Eric. She's been exploring and collecting human relics for ages." I explained.

„Wait, I never thought about that? You're right?" shock in her eyes.

„Yeah, isn't that crazy? So many people think she did all of this to be with a man. If you listen to to "Part of Your World":

What would I give if I could live
Out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day
Warm on the sand?'


Betcha' on land, they understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women, sick of swimming
Ready to stand

It takes place before she even meets Eric, and you can already feel Ariel's burning desire to experience life on land. The song makes no mention of finding love. The things she wants to experience aren't related to Eric." I stopped for a second. „Ariel didn't go on land for Eric. he was just the final push she needed. It is meeting Eric that spurs Ariel to go on land. But he's not the only reason." I grinned.

„I love how your so invested in the things you love. I just want to listen to you talk about Ariel all day long. She kind of reminds me of you, now that I think about it."

„You know, she's 16, she's playful and sometimes naïve and stubborn and I think people get grated by her sometimes because of her immaturity, but think about when you were a teenager. Teenagers tend to have this "I know best" mentality, even if we don't, and I think Ariel really personifies that. But she learns from her mistakes and matures greatly by the end of the movie without losing her sense of self or her sense of fun and adventure. That's all I want to be. She becomes the best version of herself, essentially, and isn't that supposed to be what love is? Finding someone who brings out your best qualities, doesn't try to change you and makes you want to be your very best self?"

„I love you Soul." she hugged me real tight.

„Why? I mean I love you too, but-"

„You're what he needed. I haven't seen him this happy in a very long time. What you just said about finding someone who brings out your best qualities, doesn't try to change you and makes you want to be your very best self.. you are this person for him. His anxiety isn't as bad and consistent anymore. He's excited about each day. All because of you. You're his Ariel." She looked over at him smiling. „Thank you."

*later that day

„Are you guys coming? We want to go on the Star Wars ride?" we heard Zach yell.

"Well, someone needs to watch Lavender." Syd informed us.

"I'll watch her. She's my daughter. It's fine." Jack mumbled.

"What? No. I'll watch her. I've never watched Star Wars. I don't mind." I laughed, taking Lavenders stroller.

"You what?" Zach's face in complete shook.

"I know. I know. It's not my vibe." I held my hands up in defense.

"We gotta change that. But now, let's go." He started walking towards the line of people.

"Thank you." I felt Jack's kiss on my cheek.

They all went on the Star Wars ride, while I decided to grab some ice cream for lavender and I. The line wasn't too long.

"Hey sorry, are you guys waiting in line?" I asked these two girls, because I couldn't figure out if they were waiting in line or just randomly standing there. The one with curly hair turned around and my jaw almost dropped.

"What the fuck? Why are you alone with Lavender? What the fuck? Where's jack?"

{a/n: hey my loves. What's your favorite Disney princess and why? I'd love to know. Hope you all have a great week.🦋}

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