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*Daniel's POV

I love my sister, but waiting for her to finish her photoshoot all day long was exhausting. I didn't know a single person there so I just sat there by myself, waiting the whole day, playing some dumb games on my phone. Souline didn't text me once for some odd reason. I'm not saying she has to text me or anything I'm not her boyfriend, but a quick 'I'm fine' was all I have been waiting for. I was a little bit worried, because she didn't seem as happy to spend the day alone with Gabbie and Jack and I haven't heard from her or Jack the whole day.

"Daniel, I have a really important question to ask you." Anna was walking into my direction with her phone by her ear.

"As long as it doesn't include any more hours of sitting here, I'll do anything." I joked, sitting up from the couch.

"So Gabbie had a work emergency today. She's like 30 minutes away from us and Jack drove her there earlier today and was supposed to pick her up tomorrow, but they finished earlier and jack is not answering his phone. Nobody can pick her up, so she's basically stuck and called me. Could we pick her up? I mean it's kind of on the way?" she asked with her phone still by her ear.

If Gabbie wasn't with Jack and Souline the whole day.. does that mean they have spent the whole day together? Just her and jack? Is that the reason why she's not answering her phone all day long?

"Yeah sure." I quickly replied.

"Okay, I'll text you when we leave. K bye. Love you." she hang up. "She told me to thank you a million times." she smiled at me.

"It's no big deal." I sighed letting myself fall back into the couch.

"You alright?" she sat down next to me.

"You're really close with Gabbie right?" she nodded. "Did she ever talk to you about Souline and Jack?" I asked.

"I mean she was kind of worried since she met Souline." she replied.

"Do you know why?"

"Well, Gabbie and Jack have been having some serious issues the last couple of months and when she saw Souline.. I mean Souline is fucking gorgeous and hilarious, everyone loves being around her. Gabbie got insecure and believed he liked Soul more than just a friend." she sighed. "But, they have issues like I said before. Every girl would become insecure and see things that aren't there in her situation. Don't worry okay? And now let's drive home." she hugged me.

I was worried for some reason. I know I'm not her boyfriend, but just the thought of her with another guy, also one of my best friends was too much. She told me there's nothing to worry about, but how can I be so sure? She didn't even tell me about her gym encounter with Jack? I think I just have to trust her.

Anna and I picked Gabbie up. First, I drove Anna back home and then Gabbie. I didn't ask Gabbie about Jack and Souline, we were just talking about work and our new music. I could see that something was bothering her and I think it is the exact same thing that was bothering me. I really hope Souline is at her apartment, super tired from her day and that's why she is not answering her phone.

"So, did Jack and Souline spend the whole day together then?" Gabbie asked when we arrived.

"I think they did. The last time I talked to her today was when she arrived here, but don't worry." I explained.

"I wasn't worrying.." she lied. "Are you?" she asked concerned.

"No, I just think she might still be here. I'll come with you, just in case she's still here so I can take her home." I smiled.

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