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*Souline's POV

"Let's go swimming. It's so warm outside, it would be a pity if we don't go into the water. Are you wearing a bikini or do you have one with you? If you don't have one, Gabriela wouldn't mind borrowing you one of hers. She has a million bikinis anyways." Jack said while taking off his shirt. You could see some abs come through. He looked so good.

"Actually I'm wearing one right now." I smiled at him. "Wait. At least I think I am." I said looking under my crop top to reassure myself. "Puh" I exhaled. "We're good, it's a bikini."

"Did you really forget if you put on a bra or a bikini and had to check it?" he tried to suppress a laugh.

"Hey." I yelled throwing a grape at him. "Don't judge me. It was a hectic morning, I couldn't remember." I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

"You're really one of a kind Soul." he laughed while taking off Lavenders clothes.

I watched him take off Lavenders clothes. I couldn't stop starring. He was so careful with her, talking to her in this cute angelic voice trying to make her giggle and it worked.

"You know if you want to go into the water, you have to take your clothes off as well." he smirked.

"What really? Tell me more about it. I thought you go swimming in your clothes." I joked around which made him smile. He was smiling a lot today and I enjoyed ever second of it. His smile was beautiful.

I got up from the blanket and took off my crop top first and then my boyfriend jeans.

"Tell me you choose this Bikini on purpose." Jack looked me up and down.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, but realized what he meant as soon as I looked down at my body and saw the color of my bikini. How tired was I this morning? I wore a Lavender bikini. He must think I'm a weirdo, how embarrassing.

"Oh my god

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"Oh my god." I started laughing. "I swear I didn't plan this. I didn't even realize when I checked if I was wearing a bikini or not. I was so tired this morning, I just put on whatever I could find first in my closet." I laughed even harder.

"Lavi what do you say? She's lying isn't she? She wanted to impress daddy by wearing one of his favorite colors huh?" he acted as if he was waiting for her response. "Yeah, I think so too."

Why is it so hot when he calls himself daddy? Well, maybe because he is a daddy. Argh. He's messing with my mind. I didn't want to impress him. He must be going crazy.

"You're so weird. Why would I want to impress you?" I asked.

"Oh right, sorry. You wanted to impress your boyfriend, right?" He smirked.

"You're not my boyfriend, you're just crazy." I laughed.

"I'm talking about Daniel."

Oh god. How embarrassing. Why did I think he was talking about himself?

"Oh." I blushed. "Why would you think he's my boyfriend?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just heard you say 'I love you' to him on the phone earlier." he didn't look at me.

"What? Oh no. I said I love you to Anna. His sister. She was in the car with him."

"Oh, so you're not dating then?" He wondered.

"No, we're not. We're best friends." I wasn't quite sure on what to say, because I don't know what we are.

I don't know if I saw right, but I think I saw a smile appear on Jack's face when I said Daniel and I are not dating. I decided to just let it slide and not say anything.

"Hey, let's not forget to put sunscreen on Lavender." I tried to change the topic.

"Are you like secretly a mom?" he laughed.

„Hey, my cousin back in Germany is a dad of two beautiful little girls and I'm the godmother of one of them. I know what kids need and love." I handed him Lavender's sunscreen.

„I can tell."

I smiled at him and started to put sunscreen on my own body while he was putting sunscreen on Lavender, before putting some on himself. I really struggled to put sunscreen on my back. I always wondered there are people who manage to put sunscreen in their back by themselves. For real though, how is it even possible to do so.

„You need help there?" he pointed to my back.

„Oh, it's fine. I'm already done." I lied.

„Come on, I saw the way you have been struggling." he took the sunscreen from my hand without any warning, getting down on his knees behind me. „I got you." he added.

My heart started pounding like crazy, knowing he was about to put sunscreen on my back. I could hear him squeeze the sunscreen out of the tube and steady himself. I winced at the cold sunscreen, touching my body. I heard him chuckle a little. His warm hands starting to slowly massage the sunscreen into my skin.

„May I?" he asked for permission to take off my my bikini straps from my shoulders to get access to my skin underneath it. I nodded.

The tension between us getting hotter and hotter with ever second passing. My mind was all over the place with his hands on my skin. His hands felt good against my skin. I didn't want it to stop if I'm being honest. I liked this closure.

Okay. Done." he said sliding my bikini straps back to its original spot.

„Thank you. Now it's my turn. Turn around."

*Jack's POV

I was really enjoying Souline's hands on my skin. Her hands felt so warm and soft against my skin even though the sunscreen was pretty cold.

"I could fall asleep right now. This feels like a really good massage." I turned my face to look at her. A smile forming on her lips.

"Don't get to comfortable Mister. I'm finished." she said standing up.

"That makes me sad." I sighed letting myself fall down on my back.

"While you're frowning over there, Lavi and I are going to have a lot of fun in the water." she said grabbing Lavender.

Souline was heading towards the ocean. Lavender in her arms. The view was wonderful and I'm not talking about the ocean. Her body was some work of art. It was perfectly shaped. You could tell she was a dancer, because her curves just hit all the right spots. She was swirling around Lavender, making her giggle in the cutest way ever.
Seeing her with Lavender right now really made me realize something. I think I'm starting to develop feelings for this beautiful girl and there's no turning back for me.
There's just one problem... Gabriela.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter!  😘}

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