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*Souline's POV at lunch

"YOU KISSED?" nezza almost choked on her avocado toast.

I nodded and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, so what does that mean? Are you two like dating now? Are you official?" Franny wanted to know.

I shrugged.

What the? What's that supposed to mean?" nezza asked.

„I actually don't know. We haven't talked about it yet."

„Would you say yes if he asked you to be his girlfriend?" Franny asked, making me think real hard about it.

„I don't know dude." I sighed.

Soul I'm going to kick your ass. He's a great guy. He's the best to be honest. I don't think you'll ever find anyone that could compare to Daniel." she paused. „I know you're confused, but don't let the thought of jack get in between a potential 'you and Daniel'. Jack's off the list. He's taken. He's a dad, and most importantly he's one of Daniel's best friends."

"I know, I know. I'm just scared I guess, but speaking of Jack. Guess who was dragged into Jack's apartment last night and had no other option than to talk to Gabriela for like 30 minutes because jack was showing Daniel some guy stuff?"

"No freaking way." Nezza and Franny started laughing. "How did it go?" Franny wanted to know.

"Well, we're pretty much having a beach day later. " I laughed not believing this is really happening.

"Oh, so it went pretty good then huh?" Nezza grinned.

"Look, we had a pretty good conversation and she apologized. I really believe we could potentially become good friends, but I also have this weird feeling that she's all apologetic and nice, because she thinks Daniel and I are dating? I mean it's a beach day with Jack and Daniel. It's like a double date? I wonder if she would've still apologized and be nice to me if she didn't think Daniel and I are dating?"

*2 hours later

Nezza dropped me off at the beach after lunch. I really hoped Daniel was already there because I don't want to be alone with Jack and Gabriela. It could only turn out to be weird. I realized the only number I had saved in my phone was Daniel's. Gabriela didn't text me after last night which means she has my number, but I don't have her number, and why would I have Jack's number right? I had no idea how to get to the beach, because it was a private beach and I would never get into their apartment complex. I wasn't even sure which apartment complex was theirs. It was dark last night. I literally wasn't paying attention, like at all. I just wanted Jack to be home safe so Daniel and I could leave last night.
I decided to call Daniel. He didn't pick up. That was weird. He always picks up even when he's asleep, but of course when I need him right now he doesn't answer his phone.
I started to look around, trying to remember anything from last night, but every apartment complex looked exactly the same. I decided to call Daniel one more time, but without any luck. Now I wasn't just lost trying to find Jack and Gabriela, I also started worrying about Daniel. He always answers his phone. What in the world was he doing? Or what if something happened? Great my overthinking began.

"Soul?" I heard someone yell from behind me.

I turned around only to see Jack getting out of his car waving at me. This is the first time I'm really happy to see him.

"You don't understand how happy I am to see you right now." I said taking a deep breath after my quick sprint over to him.

"Well, that's one of the best greetings I ever got." he took a step forward, embracing me into a hug.

His hug took me by surprise. We've never hugged before. It wasn't just a quick embrace, no he hugged me for more than just a few seconds. I felt comfortable in his embrace and he smelled just amazing.

"Where's Daniel?" he asked while releasing from our hug.

"I thought you might know. He's not answering his phone." I shrugged.

"Weren't you supposed to drive here together? You normally always do."

"Normally yes, but I was with Nezza and Franny before I got here and Nezza drove me here." I explained.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I tried fishing my phone out of my purse. I was hoping and praying it was Daniel. It was him. Thank god.

"Where are you?" I answered my phone.

"Well hello to you too." he laughed on the other side of the line.

I could picture his face right now. This beautiful smile he always has. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.

"I'm sorry.. I was just worried, because you normally always answer your phone."

Jack was getting something out of his car while I was speaking to Daniel on the phone.

"Yeah, about that.." he paused.

"No. Don't even continue your phrase..please tell me your joking."

"I'm sorry gorgeous, but I won't make it. Anna has a important photoshoot for her clothing line and my dad was supposed to take her there, but he can't leave work right now. I'm the only one left who can drive her. It's an hour away from here and I want to make sure she gets there safe." he explained the situation to me.

Dammit. I really have the best luck. That sucks, but family is the number one priority! Daniel loves his family more than anything else, so I totally understand.

"It's fine. Family comes first. Always. Tell Anna I said hi."

"HI SOUL. SORRY SOUL." I hear Anna scream in the background making me laugh.

"It's fine, I love you."

"Love you too." she screamed back, making Daniel giggle a little.

"Text me when you get there okay? And please drive carefully."

"Will do. Have fun, but not too much without me okay?" I could feel him smirk trough the phone.

"I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee anything." I shrugged even though he could not see it.

"Okay, I'll hang up. Talk to you later."

"Bye." I hung up.

Darn it. I'm alone with Gabriela and Jack.

"Looks like it's just you, me and Lavender then." Jack said out of nowhere snapping me back to reality.

Wait what did he just say?

"What? Wait..Where's Gabriela?" I probably looked so confused.

"She had an emergency. She won't come back until tomorrow morning."

That's when I realized what he was doing in his car the whole time. He was getting Lavender out.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter! 😘}

What am I || Jack Avery & Daniel SeaveyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora