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*Souline's POV

I got out of the house and started running. I had to get away as fast as possible. I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't stop. Tears streaming down my face with each step I was taking. I ruined one of the most beautiful connections in my life. He was my best friend and I ruined it. I ruined it. Why do I ruin every single beautiful thing that comes my way? Do I not deserve to be happy? I tried so hard and still managed to ruin it.

After walking around town for quite some time and ignoring every phone call I was getting, I reached my destination. I didn't know where I was going when I ran out of the house, but I quickly realized my heart led me here without me knowing. It's where I feel most alive. The only place where all of my problems, don't feel as permanent and big.

The ocean.

I think I love the ocean because it's calm, beautiful & infinite, but also angry, harsh and magnificent. The ocean is like life itself. Life can be beautiful and everything seems to add up and then one little thing happens and everything is suddenly different.

The ocean calms my soul and lets me catch a breath. I've been staring at the ocean for quite some time. Listening to the waves and the beautiful quiet.

Suddenly I felt someone sit down next to me in the sand which scared me to death.

"What are you doing here? You scared me." I froze when I saw his face.

"I'm sorry. I called your name, you just weren't present I guess. Franny called me. Everyone's freaking out because you're not picking up your phone." Jack explained.

"How did you find me then?" I looked away.

"I remembered how you told me about the ocean and how your eyes were shining the whole time you talked about it. So I figured the only place you would want to go to be alone would be the ocean, even though it's quite scary for you to be sitting here all alone in the dark." he made me smile a little.

"There you go. I like the smiling Soul a lot more." he jokingly pushed me."You want to talk about it?" he asked carefully.

"" I laid my head on his shoulder.

He asked no further questions. We sat there in silence, listening to the waves crash.

*the next morning

I woke up this morning completely tired. It was one of those days, where it feels like you haven't slept for a week straight and your body is just tired. Last night didn't end as I imagined it to. Jack sat by the ocean with me for some hours in complete silence, but comfortable silence and drove me home afterwards. I'm really happy he didn't interrogate me and just accepted the fact that I wasn't ready to talk about it. Everyone in the group is probably pretty mad at me for not calling or texting back, but Jack probably told them I was fine. I should still call or see them later though.

*doorbell ring

It's 9:30 am. Who could this be? I hope I didn't invite someone and forgot about it or worse forgot about a meeting of mine.

I quickly put on some shorts and an oversized hoodie and went to answer the door.


"You hungry?" he held up two Starbucks drinks and a bag with food I guess.

"Jack.." I raised an eyebrow. What are you doing here?" I leaned against the doorframe.

"I wanted to make sure you're fine and you eat something."

"You know, you could've just called or something." I laughed.

"Well, I wanted to see you, so can I come in now or do I have to stand here like an idiot?"

I stepped aside so he could come in.

"I have bagels, avocado toast, omelette." he unpacked the bag. "What do you want?" he looked at me. "Oh and I have some cheesecake, just in case my cheering up breakfast doesn't work."

"I love cheesecake." I smiled happily.

"I know." he smiled at me.

I felt my cheeks turn red immediately. It's just a simple thing, but the fact that he remembered I love cheesecake is really sweet.

"You never told me you have cats. I love cats and they love me." his eyes on Alaska.

"Yeah, I would be careful with my cats. They hate absolutely everyone except me. Angel is not as bad as Alaska though." I laughed.

"Looks like I'm an exception. She seems to like me." he stated picking Alaska up.

Alaska indeed liked him. She started rubbing her head between his neck and face and started purring.

"Woah. That never happened before. I'm telling you, they won't even let someone else pick them up without trying to bite them or get out of their grip." I looked surprised.

"If you could see your face right now." He started laughing.

"I'm like shocked. Alaska has never acted this way before, I have to capture this moment." I ran in my room to get my phone.

I took some pictures and videos of Jack and Alaska and posted one picture on my instagram story. I made sure no one could recognize jack in the picture.

"My mom used to say that cats feel good energy and know if someone has good intentions with their owner or not." I said taking the avocado toast out.

"Looks like I only have good intentions with your owner, huh?" he said massaging Alaska's neck.

I really don't know what it was, but seeing him with Alaska really made my heart melt. My cats are like may babies and knowing they like him, even though they usually hate everyone but me was something out of this world.

"Thank you jack."

"For what?" he turned to me.

"For checking up on me without asking questions." I smiled.

"If you feel ready to talk about it, I'm here and if not, I'm still here." he smiled back at me.

{a/n: Hey guys! How was your week? I hope everyone's fine and healthy. Enjoy this chapter. 🦋}

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