Reiju Vinsmoke

15 0 0

Mbti: INFJ

ships: Luffy, katakuri, sanji, zoro, ichiji, pudding, smoothie

Pet type: hedgehog

teacher of: psychology

🌸 never bothers you for anything even when teasing or pranking
🌸 agrees on every place you wanna travel with her
🌸 always the first in kissing
🌸 gets extremely angry at anyone who bothers you
🌸 picks your head up and kisses you to wake you up
🌸 deep talks when alone with you
🌸 hugs you very tightly that you can't breathe
🌸 surprises you in creative ways
🌸 you talk about your day every day
🌸 prefers to listen rather than talk

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon